Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Five Questions You Absolutely, Positively Must Ask On A Job Interview. (Forbes)
Who should be the hero in your team?. (Patty Azzarello)
Clash of the Titans: Big Four vs MBB vs BigLaw. (LinkedIn)
The Overlooked Job Skill That Could Be the Key to Your Next Raise. (The Simple Dollar)
Hey tech CEOs, want better collaboration? Offer your team free lunch. (Tnooz)
What to Do When Your Heart Isn’t in Your Work Anymore. (Harvard Business Journal)
Life Lessons Anyone Can Learn from a Lousy Job. (The Simple Dollar)
Ask a Boss: The Interns Don’t Know How to Dress Professionally!. (New York Magazine)
The mystery of work-life balance. (Medium)
Want More Women In High Places? Start by Banning Elite Social Clubs At Harvard. (WBUR)
The Truth About How Much Women Talk — and Whether Men Listen. (Time)
Does Family Leave Have a Sexism Problem?. (Elle Magazine)
Everything wrong with that New York Times profile of Uber’s Bozoma Saint John. (Quartz)
How to be a lifter and not a leaner in the world of workplace communication. (Marie Claire)
Arrange your time and tasks according to these seven categories, and you’ll be a creativity machine. (Medium)
The Power of Anti-Goals. (Medium)
(It’s Great to) Suck at Something. (New York Times)
Boost Your Confidence, Boost Your Performance: Six Simple Ways to Raise Your Self-Assurance. (Laura Stack)
5 Ways to Simplify Today. (Zen Habits)
Getting big gains from improving small habits. (Patty Azzarello)
Top 10 Strategies for Learning New Skills. (Zapier)
Humor Is Serious Business. (Stanford Business School)
4 Strategies to Produce Deep, Meaningful Work. (Medium)
Get Anything Done with the 5 Second Rule. (Medium)
Happiness Hack: This One Ritual Made Me Much Happier. (Medium)
The future is emotional. (Aeon Magazine)
When an Argument Gets Too Heated, Here’s What to Say. (Harvard Business Journal)
Why Your Weight is Just a Number. (My Fitness Pal)
Here’s how long you have to cut back on sugar to actually see results. (Well & Good NYC)
The Plus Factor: This is what the future of sleep looks like. (Well & Good NYC)
Is a Sense of Purpose the Way to Solid Sleep?. (Van Winkle’s)
Binge-Watching TV Leaves Us Too Excited to Sleep. (Van Winkle’s)
The Curious Case of the Active Couch Potato. (My Fitness Pal)
How to Not Hike Like An Asshole. (303 Magazine)
Is Listening to Music During a Workout a Good Idea?. (My Fitness Pal)
It’s All Downhill Running: Tips to Save Your Knees and Quads. (Run to the Finish)
Are 10,000 Steps a Day Really Best for Your Health? Here’s What Science Says. (Greatist)
High-Intensity Workouts May Be Good at Any Age. (New York Times)
When Your Doctor Is Fitter Than You Are. (New York Times)
Ideal Rep Ranges for Weight Loss and 4 More Goals. (My Fitness Pal)
Are You a Carboholic? Why Cutting Carbs Is So Tough. (New York Times)
Robotic kiosks and other new tech coming to your airport. (USA Today)
Delta trials redesigned gate and boarding experience at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson. (Future Travel Experience)
Toronto Pearson issues RFP for planned new Regional Transit Centre. (Airport World)
Miami International Airport integrates Mobile Passport Control into app. (Future Travel Experience)
Airport and Airline Delay Trends. (Tableau)
How Airlines Decide Which Snacks to Serve You. (Conde Nast)
Related: Bring back the inflight cookies: Midwest Express might return. (Wandering Aramean)
Qatar Airways Turns a Fare Mistake Into an Opportunity. (Skift)
Once-Rejected FAA Software Upgrade May Prevent Planes From Landing on Taxiways. (Skift)
Have airlines learned a lesson after passenger dragging incident? Apparently so. (Dallas Morning News)
The Real Reason It’s Always So Cold on Airplanes. (Conde Nast)
Here’s How We Can Stop Planes From Becoming Total Cesspools of Infection. (Science Alert)
JetBlue Switches to Customer Service Tool Built by Startup it Funded. This is awesome! Will be writing up a post on it myself this week.(Skift)
Why an eight-hour bus ride from Los Angeles to San Francisco might beat a flight. (Economist)
Hilton Hotels tests incentives to encourage earlier cancellations. (Tnooz)
Hertz forced to cancel ‘hundreds’ of car reservations weeks before eclipse. Ugh, I’ve been dealing with difficult reservations around the eclipse lately too, as I’ll be delivering a presentation in Idaho that day. (Fox News)
The emperor’s new chains – seeing through the Blockchain hype. (Tnooz)
How to Feed Your Summer Crowd Without Going Crazy. (New York Times)
Why Celebrity Chef Rocco DiSpirito Stopped Cooking. (Thrillist)
Why Flat Beer Makes Great Dessert Recipes. (Thrillist)
Grocery stores are fighting back against meal kit companies. (CNBC)
Raising a Truly Bilingual Child. (New York Times)
Six Fresh Ways to Think About Retirement Savings. (The Simple Dollar)
Could You Help Rewire Income Disparity?. (NPR)
20 Years Ago, Steve Jobs Demonstrated the Perfect Way to Respond to an Insult. (Inc)
Forgot Where You Parked? Good.. (New York Times)
Finally, for a laugh: How to Be Passive Aggressive When Collaborating in Google Docs. (Medium)
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