Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

When freemium makes sense. (David Jaxon)
3 reasons why it’s actually healthy to cry at work. (Well & Good NYC)
How to Maintain Your Sanity (and Be Productive) When You Work Alone All the Time. (Jocelyn Glei)
A simple activity to define your work priorities. (A Life of Productivity)
How to Nicely Turn Down All Those Emails You Want to Say No To. (Thrive Global)
Similar: How to Make Your Life Better by Sending Five Simple Emails. (Time)
How to Make Your Inbox Organize Itself. (Thrive Global)
The One Question I Ask Myself Whenever a Task Feels Impossible. (Thrive Global)
Constraints can breed creativity + Limitations can create freedom. (Yes and Yes)
Related: 7 Ways to Kill Stress and Jumpstart Your Creativity. (Zapier)
Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity. (University of Chicago Press Journals)
This Is How To Be More Self-Aware: 5 Secrets From Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
The Clean-as-You-Go Principle. (Zen Habits)
Using Negative Visualization to Reduce the Desire for More. (The Simple Dollar)
Popular People Live Longer. (New York Times)
The Empathetic Dog. (New York Times)
Can You Guess the Best Workout for Anti-Aging?. (My Fitness Pal)
24 Actually Helpful Tips for Waking Up Early to Work Out. (Greatist)
Eight Things to Know About Summertime Sleep. (Van Winkle’s)
Daily Wisdom: Go Outside at 8 A.M.. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Crossfit Nutrition: Do’s & Don’ts [+ Eating Plans]. (Kick Ass Home Gym)
Does sweating make your workout more effective?. (Well & Good NYC)
Why Running May Be Good for Your Back. (New York Times)
Downhill All the Way. (Runners World)
Daily Wisdom: Heat Up Your Metabolism. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Business Travel Startups and Services for Those In-Between Moments. (Skift)
Airline CEOs Say They Have 15 Minutes to Respond to Customer Crisis Incidents. (Skift)
United Makes a Partial Move Toward Dynamic Award Pricing On November 1. (Cranky Flier)
Robots at South Korean Airports to Help Passengers Find Their Gates. (Skift)
Investors in aircraft should get set for turbulence. (The Economist)
CEO Interview: KLM CEO on Why His Airline Still Feeds Passengers for Free. (Skift)
The Business of Loyalty: Carnival Cruise Line Wants to Win Over Customers Earlier. (Skift)
Why travel brands should be investing in chatbots, now. (Tnooz)
Related: Qantas pushes concierge bot out after home market trials. (Tnooz)
Airlines Face New Security Rules in Summer Scramble. (New York Times)
U.S. Laptop Ban Lifted at Abu Dhabi Airport. (Skift)
Related: US Eschews Sensible Risk-Based Security in Favor of Broad-Based Insanity. (Cranky Flier)
In other winning security news: Minneapolis airport fails 95 percent of security tests, sources say. (Fox News)
Screeners at Minneapolis airport are reported to have a 94% failure rate. (Economist)
How to Ease Travel Anxiety in an Era of Terror: Travel More. (New York Times)
Why the ‘O’ in San Francisco’s Airport Code, SFO?. (KQED News)
What Kind of Traveler You Are, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type. (The Observer)
Why your suitcase wobbles and how to stop it, according to physicists. (Fox News)
9 Ways to Bounce Back the Day After a Crappy Night’s Sleep. (Glamour Magazine)
24 Tricks to Survive Hot Summer Nights (Without AC). (Greatist)
5 ways to survive entertaining as an introvert. (The Art of Simple)
Knowing When to Quit. (New York Times)
10 Things You Need in Your Kitchen According to a Parisian. (The Every Girl)
Tertill robot wacks weeds in your garden like a Roomba. I want this! (CNET)
The Secret Social Media Lives of Teenagers. (New York Times)
And finally, for a laugh: A Guy Included His Friend On A Group Text With His Crush For “Moral Support”. (Refinery29)
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