Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Why Your Mindset Won’t Save Your Career. (Fast Company)
Template Toolbox: Craft Your Easy Breezy Elevator Pitch. (Idealist Careers)
How to Bolster Work Relationships When You’re Remote. (Crew Blog)
Sheryl Sandberg’s Accidental Revolution. (Backchannel)
How Much Time Will You Spend in Meetings this Week?. (Time Management Ninja)
How to Run a More Effective Meeting. (New York Times)
Here’s how to check your email more productively. (A Life of Productivity)
Why You Should Learn to Say ‘No’ More Often. (New York Times)
Related: How To Say No Without Feeling Guilty: 6 Secrets From Experts. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
How To Help Other People Make You Happier. (Yes and Yes)
There are three sides to every argument. (TED Talks)
How to Use Psychology to Make Persuasive Video. (Nir and Far)
Don’t Let Facebook Make You Miserable. (New York Times)
The Power of Belief. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Is Walking the Fountain of Youth?. (My Fitness Pal)
The 15 Most Interesting People in Sleep. (Van Winkle’s)
How to Lower Breast Cancer Risk. (New York Times)
4 Shower Mistakes Athletes Make. (Furthermore from Equinox)
‘This Doesn’t Sound Legal’: Inside Nike’s Oregon Project. (New York Times)
How to Run Faster Without Really Trying. (Lifehacker)
The ABCs of Marathon Training. (The Dancing Runner)
The Art of the Gym Date. (GQ)
Similar: The 17 Stages of the Dreaded Gym Date. (The Date Report)
The Fit Brain. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Why Everything We Know About Salt May Be Wrong. (New York Times)
Related: The Single Most Important Ingredient. (New York Times)
Health Care? Daughters Know All About It. (New York Times)
8 Summer Vacation Strategies to Help (Not Hurt) Weight Loss. (My Fitness Pal)
Rio’s example: Why no city should bid to host the Olympics. (Yahoo)
Oh Great. Climate Change Will Make Flying Worse, Too. (Wired)
Every Travel Hack You Need to Fly Like a Damn Professional. (Thrillist)
WestJet’s approach to retaining loyal customers. (Tnooz)
Last-minute flight plans? Here’s how to save money on your business trip or getaway. (Dallas Morning News)
Foreign Airlines Should Be Able to Fly Within the US and Lose Money if They Want. (Cranky Flier)
When airline passengers fight back. (Maclean’s)
Hawaiian Airlines investing in people and product to craft a unique customer experience. (Future Travel Experience)
Why Airlines Use Tape to Fix Their Planes. (Conde Nast)
Emotional support dog bites passenger on Delta flight. (Atlanta Journal Constitution)
Air rage: why does flying make us so angry? Science says it’s about class. (Guardian)
Three in-flight tech improvements passengers should know from Honeywell’s Dallas demo. (Dallas Morning News)
Who the F*&@ is Tailwind?. (Cranky Flier)
U.S. May Extend Laptop Ban to Flights From 71 More Airports. (Skift)
Dem calls for hearing on flight laptop ban. (The Hill)
Lufthansa Group CEO: Electronics Ban Would Be a ‘Mess’. (Skift)
Clever Ways Basic Economy Fares Force Flyers To Pay Extra. (Skift)
Luxury Brands Are Bullish on the Future of Airport Retail. (Skift)
What Hospitality Means to Times Restaurant Critic Pete Wells. (New York Times)
How Amazon drives innovation (and should inspire the travel industry). (Tnooz)
This Young Entrepreneur Can Help You Make the Most of Frequent Travel Points. (Forbes)
Time-Starved Business Travelers Are Missing the Bleisure Trend. (Skift)
Bleisure – a new travel category to crack. (Tnooz)
The Like Button Ruined the Internet. (The Atlantic)
A First Look at the Essential Phone, Andy Rubin’s Anti-iPhone. (Wired)
How eBooks lost their shine. (Guardian)
Why Do Students Get Summers Off?. (Mental Floss)
Raising girls who are “includers” instead of “mean girls”. (Lisa McCrohan)
Food vs Feed. (Casual Kitchen)
My Favorite ‘Little Wins’: 12 Simple Frugality Tips That Just Work. (The Simple Dollar)
Why You Really Need to Stop Using Public Wi-Fi. (Harvard Business Journal)
Everything You Need to Know About Buying a Mattress. (New York Magazine)
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