January 22, 2017

Links I Love: January 22, 2017

Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Links I Love
Original image source: Mike Licht


When It’s Not Worth It to Negotiate. (The Atlantic)

If You Want to Get Promoted, Say So. (Harvard Business Journal)

The Myths and Realities of ‘Doing What You Love’. (The Simple Dollar)

Having It All—and Hating It. (The Atlantic)

When Women Choose Children Over a Career. (The Atlantic)

Why Aren’t There More Female Billionaires? (New York Times)

Rethinking What Success Looks Like. (The Atlantic)

A day in the life of Scott, hopelessly distracted office worker. (World Economic Forum)


The Secret to Bragging About Yourself at Work Without Looking Cocky. (Daily Muse)

Using Mini-Games for Financial and Personal Improvement. I love these ideas! (The Simple Dollar)

11 Ways to Be a Better Person in 2017. (New York Times)

Why You Should be Planning for 2018, Not 2017. (Medium)

To Change Your Life, Learn How to Trust Your Future Self. (Science of Us)

Why Screwing Up Your New Year’s Resolutions Could Change Your Life for the Better. (Greatist)

Easy GTD: How to Get Things Done or Get Back on the GTD Wagon. (Zapier)

Why You Need To Diversify Your Happiness + How To Do It. (Yes and Yes)

The 3 dangers existing on your to-do list + how to get rid of them and still get a lot done. (Hey Katie Lee)

The 6-Step Process To Train Your Brain To Focus. (Fast Company)


Work. Walk 5 Minutes. Work.. (New York Times)

For Better Vision, Let the Sunshine In. Anecdotally, I grew up as a total bookworm who hated the outdoors, and my eyesight isn’t great! (New York Times)

Why You’re Not Losing Weight. (Goop)

The new sugar rules everyone should be following. (Well & Good NYC)

Can Cutting Calories Improve Your Sleep? (Van Winkle’s)

The 10 healthy food trends that are going to be huge in 2017. (Well & Good NYC)

Is Beer Actually a Good Recovery Drink?. (Hello Healthy)

10 Things Runners Should Never Do. (Active.com)

Performance Hack: Lace Tightness. (Q by Equinox)

City planners tap into wealth of cycling data from Strava tracking app. (Guardian)


The Real Reason Planes Dim the Lights During Takeoff and Landing. (Conde Nast)

British Airways CEO Interview: How to Bring a Low-Cost Mindset to a Legacy Airline. (Skift)

American’s Cheapest Fares Soon Won’t Include Access to Overhead Bins. (Skift)

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary and Donald Trump – two men with similar issues. (Tnooz)

American Rolls Out Basic Economy With a Slightly Softer But Blunter Approach. (Cranky Flier)

United Signals It Wants a Better Deal with Reservation Middlemen. I’ve been doing a lot of research this week on the fascinating history of airline reservation systems, so this was really timely to read! (Skift)

What If Airlines Measured Revenue Like Traditional Retailers?. (Skift)

Cornell Study Examines Emerging Trends in Hotel Revenue Management. (Hotel News Now)

The Data-Driven Restaurant That Can Transform Dining Out. (Skift)

San Diego International Airport’s innovation lab aims to unite ‘isolated islands of innovation’. (Future Travel Experience)

Shopping list. (Airport World)

Travel Megatrends 2017: Low-Cost Carriers Reinvent the Transatlantic Market. (Skift)

Travel Megatrends 2017: Overtourism Goes Mainstream. (Skift)

Combining concepts for the hotel room of the future [VIDEO]. I usually don’t watch videos but this is pretty awesome! (Tnooz)

Hilton CEO Sees Optimism Lifting Business Travel in 2017. (Skift)

Interview: CEO of CES 2017 on the Future of Connectivity. (Skift)


Life At 1600: The White House Survival Guide. (Time)

Here’s how President Obama’s home will transform into President Trump’s in just 5 hours. If you like this, you’ll love the non-fiction book The Residence, which is full of similar insider scoop. (Washington Post)

Dressing the Women in Blue. (Racked)

How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs. (My King Cook)

The Skill Set: 7 Reasons Why Cooking with Your Kids is Worth It. (Ivanka Trump)

This 4-Year-Old Has Read More Than 1,000 Books, So You Should Just Go Home Now. I love the idea of a club for this and a goal for kids to achieve it. I am a firm believer that all children should be reading before they start kindergarten. (Buzzfeed)

The Banned Books Your Child Should Read. (New York Times)

The Feminist Legacy of the Baby-Sitters Club. I’ve been catching up on a new-to-me podcast lately, The Babysitters Club Club (which is hilarious) so I found this really interesting. (New Yorker)

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2 thoughts on “Links I Love: January 22, 2017”

  1. I’m trying to cut out sugar in 2017. I do really well on a gluten free diet since I have celiac disease but I enjoy baking. I feel my best on the paleo diet.

    1. Eating clean definitely makes you feel fantastic! But I am very happy when I eat some of the less healthy stuff too 😉 Just have to find a balance.

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