Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Is My First Job Supposed to Be Crappy? (Ask a Manager)
A Rooming House for Career-Minded New York Women. (New York Times)
6 Out-of-Office Templates for the Holidays That You Can Copy and Paste Now. (Daily Muse)
Seven Tips for Sick Days: Producing Even When You’re Under the Weather. (Laura Stack)
How To Live The Good Life: 4 Easy Secrets Backed by Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
The Way You Think About Willpower Is Hurting You. (Nir and Far)
Keep It Moving. (New York Times)
Has the rise in C-sections affected human evolution? This scientist predicts yes. (Vox)
Sunlight May Reduce Risk of Nearsightedness. While this is purely anecdotal, I have terrible vision, and grew up as a bookworm who hated the outdoors. Look at me now! (New York Times)
How to Run Like a Girl. (New York Times)
Staying Fit With No Gym in Sight. (Mr. Money Mustache)
Time is Precious. (YouTube)
On the Road. (New York Times)
Wynn Las Vegas Bets Big on Amazon Echo and Voice-Activated Rooms. (Skift)
Airbus Wants Airlines to Radically Rethink the Passenger Experience. (Skift)
Glasgow Airport introduces GLAdys – the airport’s first robot ambassador. (Future Travel Experience)
Ski Resort Execs Look for Climate Change-Proof Properties. (Skift)
When Tech Is a Problem Child. (New York Times)
What Do Teenagers Want? Potted Plant Parents. (New York Times)
9 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About My 30s. (The Every Girl)
Say Thank You, Don’t Say Sorry. (Auto Straddle)
We asked 86 burglars how they broke into homes. (KGW Portland)
Making a career in a future of abundance and increasing inequalities. Fascinating predictions about our changing world! (Sprezzaturian)
And finally, to change your worldview: Understanding Privilege – My Experience in Prison. I signed up to volunteer – join me? (Feld Thoughts)
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Thank you for the “say thank you, not sorry.” Beautiful. I enjoyed seeing that others are trying to break a similar habit as myself.
May you find peace and blessings these holidays!
I’m so glad you liked that, Danny! Happy holidays 🙂