Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Feminism fails because women lie to each other about work. Oh, and go Cubs!. (Penelope Trunk)
So You Chose the Wrong Career: 8 Women on Their Second Acts. (New York Magazine)
I Had No Sympathy for Working Moms Till I Became One. (New York Magazine)
Why I Tell My MBA Students to Stop Looking for a Job and Join the Gig Economy. (Harvard Business Journal)
Email Etiquette: How to Ask People for Things and Actually Get a Response. (Zapier)
Because of 4AM. (LinkedIn)
Related: Why Your First Waking Hour Is Crucial for Productivity. (Inc)
Daniel Pink and Anders Ericsson: The Secrets of Top Performers and What It Takes to Be Truly Great. (Heleo)
Why Pride is Good. (99U)
Stress Management – 12 Strategies to Outsmart Stress. (Ivanka Trump)
9 Surprisingly Easy Ways To Avoid Buyer’s Remorse. (Yes and Yes)
How to Empathize Without Stealing the Spotlight. (The Every Girl)
What Inspired Me to Find a Formula for Fun (Hint: I Was Not a Popular Kid). This is by my friend Jon Levy, who is truly one of the most popular, fun, and adventurous people I know! (Greatist)
Choosing & Processing Foods for Satiety: The Science 101 for Regular Consumers. (Suppversity)
The 15-Minute Workout to Get Fitter by Thanksgiving. (PureWow)
3 Tips to Combat Winter Weight Gain. (My Fitness Pal)
Heads Up, Treadmill Runners. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Pushing That Crosswalk Button May Make You Feel Better, but …. (New York Times)
Race Day Checklist – 9 Tips Before Hitting Your Next Starting Line. (A Healthier Upstate)
The Future of Airport Security Is CT Scans and Smarter Lines. (Skift)
RFIDs are set almost to eliminate lost luggage. (Economist)
Ancillary spend by passengers on airlines has many regional differences. (Tnooz)
Latest IFEC innovations present airlines with new entertainment and ancillary revenue opps. (Future Travel Experience)
Here’s Why Many Airlines Feel They Need to Raise Fares. (Skift)
Thousands flew Allegiant last year thinking their planes wouldn’t fail in the air. They were wrong. (Tampa Bay Times)
Uber plans for the arrival of flying cars. In light of the transportation conference I attended Tuesday that made me see self-driving cars as a very near-term reality, I was inclined to believe in the reality of this. How crazy! (Economist)
5 Insights Into Disney and Universal’s Modern Theme Park Strategies. (Skift)
Business Travelers Are Searching for a Better Work-Life Balance. (Skift)
11 Incredible Countries that are Dirt Cheap to Visit Right Now. (Thrillist)
Why Couldn’t I Give My Child My Last Name? (New York Times)
This Is How To Improve Your Writing: 7 Easy Expert Secrets. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Do You Trust Your Own Taste in Wine and Food? (Casual Kitchen)
The Rise of Dating-App Fatigue. This is pretty frustrating, with lots of problems but no solutions offered. (The Atlantic)
‘We have your daughter’: A virtual kidnapping and a mother’s five hours of hell. (Washington Post)
Masters of Love. (The Atlantic)
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