Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Ask an Economist: How Can Today’s College Students Future-Proof Their Careers?. (The Atlantic)
Do these 2 things to win the job you want. (Patty Azzarello)
Beware This Question! “What Do You Do?”. (LinkedIn)
Obama’s Female Staffers Came Up With a Genius Strategy to Make Sure Their Voices Were Heard. (New York Magazine)
When To Say No At Work (And Why It’s Important). (Forbes)
What Happened When I Moved My Company to a Five-Hour Workday. (Fast Company)
The Question to Ask Before Every Meeting. (Time Management Ninja)
How to Prepare for a Conference. (Hitha on the Go)
How to Make the Most of a Bad Boss. (The Every Girl)
The End of Annual Performance Reviews: Are the Alternatives Any Better?. (Hotel News Now)
Beware of Advice From Successful Outliers. (Deep Existence)
Five Tips to Work Productively from Home: Whether You Telecommute Occasionally or Always. (Laura Stack)
Don’t Let Email Zombies Eat Up Your Day. (99U)
The Plus Factor: And why we’re done glorifying “busy”. (Well & Good NYC)
The Free-Time Paradox in America. (The Atlantic)
Quit Social Media. (Cal Newport)
The Secret to Using Procrastination to Your Advantage. (Well & Good NYC)
When a person becomes an idea. (A Life of Productivity)
The 7 Biggest Lies Holding You Back from Happiness. (Greatist)
Clock-Watching for Fitness. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Should you be working out without music? (Well & Good NYC)
5 Things No One Tells You About Running as You Get Older. (Runners World)
6 Tips on How to Run Long (When You’ve Never Run Long). (My Fitness Pal)
Recovery, A Key Part Of Interval Training. (Competitor Magazine)
Similar: How Much Rest Should You Take Between Intervals?. (Runners World)
How To (Really) Loosen Your Hips. (Furthermore from Equinox)
More Muscle, Please: The Evolution of Women’s Arms. (Daily Burn)
The Hunger in Our Heads. (New York Times)
10 Calorie-Slashing Menu Hacks. (My Fitness Pal)
How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat. (New York Times)
Stress May Counteract Effects of a Healthful Diet. (New York Times)
7 Self-Care Rituals to Practice Every Day. (Daily Burn)
Researching how to dress for international business travel. (Road Warriorette)
JetBlue Thinks Bigger Planes as It Considers Longer Flights. (Skift)
Amadeus admits fare families work well for some airlines but not all. (Tnooz)
United Generates More Ancillary Revenue Than Any Other Airline. (Skift)
The Morality of Surge Pricing. I don’t see how this is any different than airlines charging more for flights around the holidays? (Medium)
Starwood’s Hospitality Legacy After the Marriott Merger. (Skift)
Every One of Marriott’s 30 Hotel Brands, Explained. Will be very interesting to see how the Starwood brands get folded in! (Skift)
Merging Marriott and Starwood Corporate Cultures, According to Marriott’s HR Chief. (Skift)
All 50 States, Ranked by their Beauty. (Thrillist)
Why Mount Washington Kills. (Outside Magazine)
Make Six Figures? There’s a Decent Chance You’ve Got Almost Nothing in the Bank. Appalling. (Bloomberg)
The $1,000 date night: Has D.C.’s tasting-menu culture hit a tipping point?. (Washington Post)
For Every 10 U.S. Adults, Six Vote and Four Don’t. What Separates Them?. (New York Times)
I’m an Adult Woman, and I Call My Mother Three Times a Day. (Vogue)
Why did a quarter of this librarian’s gift go to football? (Slate)
Maybe this is the answer to the previous article: Students Who Play Well Do Better in School. (The Atlantic)
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I wish the last article were an answer to the second to last one…but it seems like the amount that universities spend on sports like football has much more to do with how much money those sports make for the school, than with the fact that unstructured play or recreation benefits learning. (Granted, I may be biased, since I work in a frequently budget-cut arts department at a school that spends a LOT of money on football. And don’t get me wrong, I like football…but it would be wonderful if more money would go to arts programs too 🙂 )
You are ENTIRELY right, and I apologize for my flip comment! I took a course in college called “Economics of the University” that basically looked at all the financials behind how universities are run. I was shocked and appalled how much is spent on sports, and how much that is “big business” rather than because it actually benefits more than the tiniest fragment of the student population. However, that’s certainly not limited to universities – the salaries that we pay those in (popular) professional sports are fairly outrageous.
Absolutely! And the comparison transfers over to professional work in the arts as well (and I’d imagine elsewhere, though my experience is primarily in theatre)–so many professionals in the field are asked to volunteer their time, work for minimal pay, or complete a Herculean number of tasks in a tiny amount of time, due to lack of funding. Not that there isn’t a lot to be said for contributing one’s time, but it calls into question the way that we value a degree or training in the arts vs. athletics and other fields.
Stepping off of my soapbox now. 🙂 Thanks for always posting a host of interesting and thought-provoking articles every week!
I totally hear you. I did theater for 13 years as a kid, and didn’t think about all the hours/volunteering that went into it. As an adult, it’s hard for me to imagine donating that much of my time when I’m already working so many hours – it’s amazing how generous people are because they love the theater! And I’m so glad you like the links 🙂