Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

5 Body Language Tips for Your Next Job Interview. (Ivanka Trump)
Your Weight Can Affect Your Job Prospects — But Only If You’re a Woman. (New York Magazine)
How to Think About Your Career. (Medium)
How to Keep Friendships Strong When You Make (a Lot) More Money. (LearnVest)
Why I’m Glad I Got My PMP. (LinkedIn)
Feeling Burned Out at Work? Here’s How to Fall Back in Love With Your Job. (LearnVest)
Older Entrepreneurs Take On the ‘Concrete Ceiling’. (New York Times)
4 Tips for Leaving Work Stress at the Office. (Levo League)
Here’s How To Make Your Work Meaningful. (Buffer)
15 things successful people do during their lunch break. (RecordNet)
Why You Need To Try New Things + How To Create A ‘New Things’ Practice. (Yes and Yes)
Why You Should Write That Task Down RIGHT Now. (Time Management Ninja)
Not Doing All the Things We Want to Do. (Zen Habits)
Is There a Hole in Your Bathtub? (Chris Guillebeau)
This Is How To Be Productive Without Being Miserable: 8 Proven Secrets. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
5 ways to read more books, and then read them more productively. (A Life of Productivity)
The Science of Memory: Top 10 Proven Techniques to Remember More and Learn Faster. (Zapier)
Never Live Like You’re Behind. (Deep Existence)
Book Readers Live Longer. (Medium)
Exercise for Brain Health. (AARP)
Dark chocolate study targets lazy scientifically naïve reporters. (Alabama.com)
How to Freeze Every Fruit and Use It Months Later. (Greatist)
8 Easy And Creative Ways To Add More Protein To Your Salads. (My Fitness Pal)
Are You Going Overboard on Salads?. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Tim Gunn: Designers refuse to make clothes to fit American women. It’s a disgrace. I would argue that we’re spending a lot of energy fighting the “disgraceful” symptoms, instead of trying to solve the actual problem, which is the obesity epidemic. (Washington Post)
The Beginners Guide to Fueling for a Half-Marathon. (My Fitness Pal)
Half-Marathons Are Blowing Up Your Newsfeed Because They’re Half the Work With All the Bragging. (Thrillist)
How Does Race Walking Compare to Running? (New York Times)
Confessions of a Distance Runner. (Run to the Finish)
7 surprising ways to become a better runner (beyond just running). (Well & Good NYC)
Well Guides: How to Run a Faster Marathon. (New York Times)
For the Olympian Gwen Jorgensen, the Triathlon is a Mental Race. (New York Times)
Heart Rate Zone Testing for Cheapskates, like me. (Amy Says So)
An Easy Way to Stay Cool During Hot Weather Exercise. (New York Times)
Recovery Trends: What’s the Deal with Infrared Saunas? (Daily Burn)
Down versus Synthetic – Get the Best Insulation for You. (Cool of the Wild)
Canada Has a Problem With Sky-High Airfares. (Skift)
Know Your Fare Rules, Because The Airlines Don’t (Tales from the Field). (Cranky Flier)
Take control: drive revenue strategy beyond pricing. (Skift)
3 Airline CEOs Defend the Complexity of the Industry’s Technology Systems. (Skift)
Southwest Buys Labor Peace After Years of Fighting, Backs Itself Into a Corner. (Cranky Flier)
Breaking: Concur to Buy Hipmunk. (Skift)
Should airports be allowed to charge for fast lanes at passport control?. (Economist)
The Obscured Truth of Why Your Flight Takes Longer Today than 20, 30, even 40 Years Ago –. (Travel Insider)
10 Underrated Travel Spots You Should Book A Flight to ASAP. (Vimbly)
Tourists Vs. Locals in New York City: Who Goes Where. (Skift)
F-16 pilot was ready to give her life on Sept. 11. I had never heard about this before – terrifying. (Washington Post)
Related: ‘We’re the only plane in the sky’. (Politico)
Meet the parents who won’t let their children study literature. (Washington Post)
Math is racist: How data is driving inequality. (CNN)
Four Ways to Make Your Shower Smarter. (Furthermore from Equinox)
Has Fashion Abandoned the Suit?. (Wall Street Journal)
Inside The iPhone 7: Why Apple Killed The Headphone Jack. (BuzzFeed)
Pros and cons of the wireless future. (Practically Efficient)
Wilder Writing. (Sweat Once a Day)
The Best Macaroni and Cheese in Every U.S. State. (Thrillist)
Trader Joe’s Best Bargains You Should Never Buy Anywhere Else. (Thrillist)
Finally, for a laugh: McMansions 101 Special Edition: Mansion vs McMansion (Part 1). (McMansion Hell )
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