Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Landing an internship has become way more important and complex than anyone’s acknowledging. (LinkedIn)
Apprenticeships require trust in teens. (Swiss Info)
American Women Have It Wrong. (Newsweek)
5 Women on How to Climb the Big Law Ladder. (Bloomberg Law)
5 Tips to Help Put Meetings in Their Place. (Time Management Ninja)
How to Send Better Email. (Buffer)
Your Most Creative Ideas Are the Hardest to Sell—But They Don’t Have to Be. (LinkedIn)
Great Tricks for Reading People’s Body Language. (LinkedIn)
A Productivity Lesson from a Classic Arcade Game. (Cal Newport)
The Unprocrastination Challenge for September. (Zen Habits)
Always Give Yourself More Time Than You Think You Need. (Time Management Ninja)
11 Ways To Stop Overworking Yourself & Slow Down. (Bustle)
3 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your Motivation (Even When You Don’t Feel Like Working). (Zapier)
How to have more valuable and rewarding conversations with people. (David Jaxon)
How To Be An Expert: 8 Proven Secrets To Superior Skill. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Critical Things Ridiculously Successful People Do Every Day. (LinkedIn)
17 Ways To Feel Happier + Calmer When You Only Have 10 Minutes. (Yes and Yes)
Why Is It So Damn Hard to Fall Asleep on Sundays?. (Thrillist)
How to Ride Downhill on a Bicycle. (New York Times)
The 50 Best Running Cities. (Runners World)
Race Day Planner for Runners – Well Guides. (New York Times)
Do Olympians Get Too Much Exercise?. (New York Times)
9 Reasons to Never Skip a Workout, As Told To Trainers. (Daily Burn)
Why a post-workout glass of wine may be totally justified. (Well & Good NYC)
The Divorce Diet? Losing a Spouse and Some Pounds, Too. (New York Times)
The dream Drew Brees — and AdvoCare — is trying to sell. I didn’t know much about Advocare before reading, and had no idea that it was an MLM scheme. (ESPN)
Excess Light Exposure May Take Toll on Muscles and Bones. (New York Times)
Whose Lives Should Be Saved? Researchers Ask the Public. My friend Susan recommended 5 Days at Memorial as a companion to this article, about the triage decisions that needed to be made at Memorial Hospital during Hurricane Katrina. (New York Times)
Hacks Can Ease the Trials of Aging. (New York Times)
When Women Are Sexually Assaulted on Long-Haul Flights, Airlines Have No Idea What to Do. (Slate)
Home Is Where the Parking Lot Is. (New York Times)
Adorable and hilarious: Guy Trolls Hotel With Ridiculous Room Requests And Hotel Doesn’t Disappoint. (Elite Daily)
How Americans Spend Their Day. I found this eye-opening and a little sad. (Data Visualisations)
Be Nice. (LinkedIn)
5 Chefs on How They’d Doctor Up Frozen Pizza. (Bon Appetit)
7 Easy Kitchen Hacks for Clean Eating. (Daily Burn)
What Kids Wish Their Teachers Knew. (New York Times)
Camping with Kids: How to Survive and Love It. (Cool of the Wild)
This Tiny Lightbulb Projects Netflix on Your Wall. Awesome! Now, when will it get less expensive… (Thrillist)
The 8 New Books to Read This Fall. Wow, this is probably the best book list I’ve ever seen – I can’t want to read every single one. (Medium)
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That race day planner is awesome and so thorough! Great reminders before my marathon in 4 weeks. I definitely find it hard to sleep on Sundays, coffee is definitely one of the culprits! Haha.
Sorry, this got stuck in a queue! Yes – NY Times has been doing a ton of great running articles lately.