Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

How to Get Noticed by Uber-Successful People (Even If You Think You Have Nothing to Offer!) Great tips for networking. (Live Your Legend)
Why the Office Dress Code Is Slowly Dying. (Inc)
Ask a Boss: I’m Expected to Work Extra Because I Don’t Have Kids! I have definitely felt this pressure before, and it can be very frustrating. (New York Magazine)
4 Behaviors of the Best Creative Leaders. (The Energy Project)
Productivity and Ergonomics: The Best Way to Organize Your Desk. (Zapier)
10 Time Management Tasks You Can Do in Under a Minute. (Time Management Ninja)
How 10 Minutes Can Change Your Whole Day (YES, SERIOUSLY). (Yes and Yes)
9 Google Calendar Features You Should Be Using. (Make Use Of)
The Power Of A Daily 1 Percent Improvement. I love this idea, and have been thinking about how I could potentially make it one of my monthly challenges. But how do you measure 1%? (Laura Stack)
Ask Well: Can You Eat Foods Past the ‘Sell By’ Date?. (New York Times)
Is the 80/20 diet actually a diet?. (Well & Good NYC)
Cutting Sugar Rapidly Improves Heart Health Markers. (New York Times)
This Is The Best Way To Motivate Yourself To Exercise: 4 Proven Secrets. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
3 ways running improves your life that go way beyond fitness. (Well & Good NYC)
Your most common sneaker questions—answered. (Well & Good NYC)
The $1,600 Marathon. I would argue you don’t need all this expense, but running is definitely more expensive than you might initially think. (New York Times)
What It’s Like to Finish Second-to-Last in the Olympic Marathon. I had the opportunity to run with Sarah in a Mammoth track workout, so I was cheering for her as I watched last week! (Runners World)
“You Should Try Out for the Olympics”. (Runners World)
Which Olympic Sport Would You Compete In?. (New York Times)
The Bedazzling of the American Gymnast. (New York Times)
In Water Polo, the Real Action Is Under the Water. (New York Times)
How the Tour de France Encourages Cheating. (GQ)
An Olympic Event Where 1st Prize Is the Chance to Lose Billions. I like some of the suggestions put forward here, like repeating cities every 12 years. (New York Times)
Why Wall Street Isn’t Happy With Southwest’s 43 Straight Years of Profits. (Skift)
Southwest Wants to Start Working With More International Airlines. (Skift)
To Improve Foundational Customer Experience, Airlines Should Look To Operations. (Skift)
Corporate Travel Is Bracing for the Impact of the Marriott-Starwood Merger. (Skift)
45 Things That Would Happen If Jim Halpert Were Your Boyfriend. Adam sent this to me, and it made me realize how he embodies pretty much all of these 🙂 Now I have to wonder if he’s getting his ideas for sweet things from the television…(Buzzfeed)
Mojito Jell-O Shots Recipe Video. What a cute, fun idea! Will need to do this for a party sometime. (Thrillist)
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Eeek that is terrifying adding up marathon expenses! Haha. I was just talking with friends about this – how run can be very cheap, but can also be so easy to spend money on. It’s interesting to see where this runner spent this money! I really enjoyed the RW article on finishing 2nd to last. Amazing she was not easily discouraged but had a positive approach to the race!
SO many articles in the health category this week, thanks to the Olympics 🙂 Glad you liked those two!