Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

How to Turn Your Internship Into a Job. (Ivanka Trump)
More than one boss? Serving Multiple Masters. (Patty Azzarello)
Everything You Need to Do When Your Boss Suddenly Quits. (Levo League)
BPS Research Digest: Bridge Burning and the six other ways to quit your job. (BPS Research Digest)
7 Creative Insights To Give Your Career a Boost This Very Second. (99U)
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Become a Better Public Speaker Fast. (Daily Muse)
Why You Shouldn’t Schedule Meetings Longer than One Hour. (Time Management Ninja)
This Is How To Be Productive: 5 New Secrets Proven by Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Five Ways to Tap into the Psychological State of Flow: How to Get into the Zone and Stay There. (Laura Stack)
Three Steps To Get Up To Speed On Any Subject Quickly. (Nir and Far)
I hack time. (Medium)
The Habits of Successful People: They Work to Understand Context. (Medium)
Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days. (YouTube)
5 Ways To Stop Caring What People Think. (Yes and Yes)
People Who Love to Help Strangers Share the Same Endearing Personality Trait. (New York Magazine)
Neuroscience Reveals The Easy Ritual That Will Make You Happy. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Olympians Think Differently About Goals, and That’s Why They’re So Successful. (Greatist)
The 2016 Olympics: Behind the TV Stand and Screen. (All Modern)
How to Rock Running in the Heat. (The Crafty Runner)
7 Sneaky Ways To Cut Carbs At Dinnertime. (My Fitness Pal)
To Stem Obesity, Start Before Birth. (New York Times)
An Early Bedtime for Kids May Fight Weight Gain. (New York Times)
3 Things Revenue Managers Can Learn From Psychologists. (Hotel News Now)
Preparing for the airport terminal of the future. (Future Travel Experience)
Delta Grounds Planes Worldwide Because of a Computer Malfunction. (Skift)
Update: Delta Identifies Fire and Disconnected Servers as Cause of System Failure. (Skift)
Do flyers expect flight crew to talk in a certain (male) manner? (Economist)
4 Injured in Severe Turbulence on JetBlue Flight. This is why you shouldn’t be undoing your seatbelt while you’re in flight. Just leave it on unless you’re actively getting up for something! (ABC News)
Craft Beer Tourism Puts Delaware on the Map. (Skift)
Craft Brewery Hotel to Tap Into Local, Experiential Trends. (Skift)
Have Two Drinks at a Party. (Lifehacker)
Cooking 101: Basic Knife Skills. (Nerd Fitness)
Lunch Hack video. This is a really cute idea! (Little Things)
The Hidden Meaning of Back-to-School Outfits. (The Atlantic)
Hook’s Lost Boys Reunite to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of Film and to Remember Robin Williams. (People Magazine)
Why Self-Help Guru James Altucher Only Owns 15 Things. (New York Times)
MIT and Microsoft Research made a ‘smart’ tattoo that remotely controls your phone. (The Verge)
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