October 25, 2015

Links I Love: October 25, 2015

Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Links I Love
Original image source: Mike Licht


The goal of checking a job candidate’s references. (David Jaxon)

Related: When checking references, get each of these types. (David Jaxon)

Your Biggest Questions About Being a First-Time Manager, Answered. (Levo League)

Don’t delegate that! 3 tasks managers should never pass off. (HR Morning)

Gender equality: Taking stock of where we are. (McKinsey Quarterly)



The Most Significant Factor in Determining Your Work Ethic. (Levo League)

Want to Be More Productive? Never Touch Things Twice. (LinkedIn)

Why I don’t answer most phone calls. I pretty much could have written this article – it is exactly why I hate unnecessary phone calls. (Medium)

Simple ways to improve focus and concentration. (Business Insider)

I’m Returning to Single-Tasking. (Zen Habits)

What is the exact value of your time?. (A Life of Productivity)

Make your day EFFORTLESS. (Cowgirl Runs)

The Truth About Your Uncertain Life Path & Purpose. I loved this post and wrote about it on Friday, ICYMI.  (Zen Habits)

New Neuroscience Reveals 4 Rituals That Will Make You Happy. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)

Naked Truth: 5 Steps For Handling Disappointment. (Lifting Revolution)

How does a fast food menu trick you into paying more? (Medium)


How Doctors Take Women’s Pain Less Seriously. (The Atlantic)

It’s Harder for Millennials to Stay Thin Than It Was for Boomers. (The Atlantic)

Sitting Is Bad for Children, Too. (New York Times)

#SquadGoals: How Tone It Up created a massive online fitness family (accidentally). (Well & Good NYC)

How to Fake Your Workout. (The Atlantic)

Cycling 101 Needn’t Be Collision Course. (New York Times)

You don’t really need 8 hours of sleep. (Market Watch)

Why Fresh Fruits and Veggies Means Healthy Profits for Fast Food. (Entrepreneur)

10 Foolproof Ways to Cut Calories While Eating Out. (Daily Burn)


Amadeus using data to help airlines tackle disruption. (Tnooz)

The hidden data on a boarding pass. (Economist)

American Airlines President on the Problem of the Infrequent Flyer. (Skift)

Why You Need to Stop Whining About Air Travel. (Thrillist)

Buying the Right Wine for Tasting at 36,000 Feet. (Skift)

Aloft Tries to Speak Millennial With New Emoji Room Service Ordering. (Skift)

I Spent the Night at Chernobyl. (Thrillist)


How Outrageous Beauty Expectations Hold Women Back. (The Atlantic)

Formal Dinner Table Settings & Dining Etiquette Guide. (ProFlowers)

The 10 Times It’s OK to Say “No”. (Greatist)

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4 thoughts on “Links I Love: October 25, 2015”

  1. I love the ‘you don’t need 8 hrs of sleep article!! I regularly get 7ish hours of sleep. I’m good with 6 for a few days, but after that I start to drag…hard. The mortality rate thing is SUPER interesting though. I would have thought that more is more??

    As you know, I’m a phone call person. There are just some things are best via phone, text, and yes indeed email. As an example, if phone calls are such a poor medium, why do people still have meetings?

    1. I know that I am personally someone who needs 8 hours of sleep. (And you’ve seen me when I don’t get that so I think you believe me!)

      I agree that SOME things are best via phone and email, but I can’t think of anything that is best over text. I am yet to find an explanation for a way in which text has better capabilities than email 🙂 With regard to that article, I think a *scheduled* phone call can be quite helpful, but unscheduled phone calls tend to be incredibly disruptive (just like texts) – and they don’t give me time to prepare. It can be incredibly valuable to talk live; if you are going back and forth on an email chain where it’s clear you’re both sitting there just replying, then yes, a call is helpful. But if I’m in the middle of something else, the call is a complete disruption. To play devil’s advocate, I do recognize that sometimes it takes longer to set up a call than it does to just have the call, which is why I think impromptu calls/drive bys will never go away, but I also feel like that is used much more frequently than it should be.

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