Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

3 Things You *Must* Learn About a Company Before Going on an Interview. (Levo League)
5 Small Things That Make Recruiters Leave Your LinkedIn Profile & and Never Come Back. (Daily Muse)
Old Company, New Job? Why People Are Returning to Past Employers. (Learn Vest)
A Woman’s Most Powerful Salary Negotiation Tool? Silence. (Fast Company)
Why We Need Older Women in the Workplace. (New York Magazine)
The definitive case for paternity leave. (Quartz)
Getting work-life balance right also requires being considerate to others. (David Jaxon)
The full article: Brad Feld of Tech Stars Talks on “Work Life Harmony”. (Ty Danco)
Average Manager vs. Great Manager. (Medium)
How to Manage People Who Are Smarter than You. (Harvard Business Review)
Boomers vs. Millennials at Work. So true! Except that I seem to be a Boomer… (Medium)
How to Hate Your Job Less Right Now. (The Science of Us)
If you have to have group meetings, do them like this. (David Jaxon)
The Right Way to Do Collaborative Design: How to Avoid Designing by Committee. (99U)
How To Take Advantage Of Your Brain’s Hidden Productivity Powers. (Fast Company)
Experiment: 5 huge lessons I learned binge-watching Netflix for an entire month. (A Life of Productivity)
No Email. No IM. Why You Should Have a Snapchat-Only Day. (LinkedIn)
7 Tips to Actually Succeed at Your Digital Detox. (DailyBurn)
Struggling to Disconnect From Our Digital Lives. (The Energy Project)
It’s Okay. (A Healthy Happier Bear)
Imposter Syndrome: I Have It. (Sweet Life with Ericka)
How to Say ‘No’ without Being Rude. (Your Trainer Paige)
Science Assures It’s Fine to Have Fewer Friends in Your 30s. (The Science of Us)
How To Be Loved By Everyone: 6 Powerful Secrets. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Agree, Disagree? September is the Other January. (Medium)
Rules For A Happy Marriage: 4 Secrets From An Expert. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Making Activity Trackers More Fashion Forward. (New York Times)
Walking for Weight Loss? Some Possibly Sucky News. (Cranky Fitness)
Walking vs. Elliptical Machine, Redux. (New York Times)
The Races You Should Be Running. (Q by Equinox)
18 Hacks for Eating Well on a Budget. (My Fitness Pal)
Hub of the Americas. (Airport World)
Video: Behind the Scenes at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. (Skift)
Tales from the Beat: Herbert D. Kelleher. (Dallas Morning News)
How to Fly Spirit Airlines (If You Must). (The Boarding Area)
Delta and Etihad Are Road Testing the Future of Airline Fares and Loyalty. (Skift)
Spring into Action to Address or Reverse a Poor TripAdvisor Review. (Hotel News Now)
The Rebranding of the US’s Highest Mountain. (Skift)
Tourists Are Literally Dying to Get the Perfect Selfie. (Skift)
The Instagram Rules: The Good, the Bad, and the Very Boring. (Vogue)
Erasing yourself from the Internet is really, really hard. (Fusion)
17 Surprising Things About Parenting in Spain. (A Cup of Jo)
4 Sins Helicopter Parents Commit—to the Detriment of Their Kids’ Futures. (LearnVest)
Are you holding your own daughter back? Here are 5 ways to raise girls to be leaders. (Washington Post)
How to Write a Condolence Note. (A Cup of Jo)
Using “LOL” Is Officially Going Extinct — Here’s What’s Taking Its Place. (Mic News)
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I’m really trying to get better about budgeting, so the 18 hacks to eat better on a budget were REALLY good. I think the one that I need to work on the most is looking at the sale fliers that go out. I am SOOO terrible about doing that. In fact, right now they are in a pile in my garage waiting to be used to start fires!
I always look at the sales flyers! It takes less than two minutes but saves me SO much money if I buy from that list.