Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

The Worst Career Advice I’ve Ever Gotten. (Levo League)
Tips to Handle Mistakes Gracefully in the Workplace. (Live in the Grey)
Young Women Leaving Financial Services Due To Limited Career Opportunities. (Forbes)
This Woman Unplugs Every Saturday (and Will Convince You to Do the Same). (Greatist)
How David Allen increased Drew Carey’s Productivity. (Farnam Street)
How to Avoid Miscommunications & Email Like a Real Human Being. (99U)
How To Ignore Emails Without Alienating Everyone. (Yes and Yes)
10 Secrets to Sounding Super Confident. (Levo League)
7 Signs You’re Not Sleeping As Well As You Think You Are. (Prevention)
Top 10 Tips For Fitting In Fitness When Traveling. (FitFluential)
The Balance Between Running For Fun and Running For Time. (Run Selfie Repeat)
Congratulations to my friend Larry Macon for running his 1,500th Marathon! (Runners World)
On the not-cool front, the fact that this guy hasn’t taken LetsRun up on their offer pretty much proves he cheated: LetsRun Offers Massive Reward to Viral Boston Marathon Dad. (Runners World)
The Evidence Supports Artificial Sweeteners Over Sugar. (New York Times)
Seeing a Fat Cartoon Character Induced Kids to Eat More. (The Lunch Tray)
$88 in New York is worth $115 in Mississippi: A complete map of the value of $100 in America. (Some E Cards)
What Will It Take to Bring U.S. Airports Into the Future? Only $4. (Skift)
The UK Airport Company That’s Building Better Lounges in the U.S. (Skift)
Officials Investigating Airline Price Gouging After Fatal Amtrak Crash. (Skift)
Could another merger be in the offing for Dallas-based Southwest Airlines? (Dallas Business Journal)
How to upgrade to a private jet for $300. (CNN)
Hotel Executive Voices: How should the hotel industry respond to the rise of Airbnb? (Road Warrior Voices)
This new kind of hotel tech will finally make your room quiet and cool. (Tnooz)
The Surprising Psychology Behind Successful Hotel Websites. (Hotel News Now)
Wow, this trend is interesting: Fighting the unfaithful. (Global Times News)
The truth about volunteering in Cambodia. (Move to Cambodia)
Related: Voluntourism: More Harm than Good. (The Walla Walla University Collegian)
How *Anyone* Can Become a Better Writer. (Levo League)
Is This a Selfie? (New York Times)
You don’t owe anyone your pretty (or your intrigue or your ambition, for that matter). (Yes and Yes)
Finally, for a laugh because it’s all so true: 15 Things You Stop Giving a Sh*t About in Your 30s. (Pop Sugar)
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I read the 10 tips for fitting in fitness while traveling, but I have to admit that I’m not convinced. The ONLY tip needed when wanting to fit fitness in while traveling is just to do it. No special gear is needed, no special clothing, just getting out and getting the blood flowing. Better than nothing!
You are apparently more disciplined than the rest of us 🙂