Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

10 Interview Questions You’ll Be Asked If You Want to Work for a Start-Up. (Levo League)
Track Every Important Conversation: 6 Simple Ways to Build a Social Listening Dashboard. (Buffer)
Why I Wear The Exact Same Thing to Work Every Day. (Harper’s Bazaar)
20 Productive Habits of Successful (and Very Wealthy) People. (Levo League)
How to Know You Will Be Extraordinarily Successful. (LinkedIn)
Why This Could Be A Great Time To Be Unemployed. (Fast Company)
New study: Kids Benefit From Having a Working Mom. (Harvard Business Week)
Here’s Why You’ll Hate the Apple Watch (and the Important Business Lesson You Need to Know). (Nir and Far)
On Trying Really Hard. (The Renegade Writer)
And Then What? What Happens After We Reach Our Goals. (Breaking Muscle)
These Are The Most Valuable People In Your Network. (99U)
5 Secrets To Always Making A Good First Impression. (Barking up the Wrong Tree)
Canadians now have shorter attention span than goldfish thanks to portable devices. (National Post)
13 Lessons Learned. (Medium)
How to Prioritize Your Relationships When You Don’t Have Time. (Be Extraordinary)
Unless You Are Spock, Irrelevant Things Matter in Economic Behavior. (New York Times)
The Reasons We Deny Luck. (Farnam Street)
12 Hacks For The Best Sleep Ever. (Huffington Post)
9 Ways to Add More Workout to Your Work Day. (Barry’s Bootcamp)
The Beginner’s Guide to Biking to Work. (Levo League)
Make This Simple Change to Start a Healthy Domino Effect. (My Fitness Pal)
15 foods you’ve been eating WRONG and how to do it properly. (Daily Mail)
Why Your Yoga Pose Will Never Look Like the Instructor’s (and That’s Good!). (Greatist)
Why Big Running Goals Are Bad (And How a 1% Change Makes All The Difference). (Rock Creek Runner)
The World’s Fastest Recreational Runners. (New York Times)
You’re lacing up your running shoes wrong (and giving yourself blisters). (Well & Good NYC)
The Naked Truth: What It Feels Like To Be Called “Real” All The Time. (Lifting Revolution)
Your child might be wearing heels, right now. (Katy Says)
Interesting! – America’s Epidemic of Unnecessary Care. (New Yorker)
How long would it take to fall through the Earth? (ABC Science)
Don’t Take a Picture on the Plane Until You Read This Story. (LinkedIn)
Poland’s New Airport is the Latest that Europe Doesn’t Need. (Skift)
Airport departure gate experience set for digital transformation. (Future Travel Experience)
The Technology Treats Found in Starwood Hotels’ Concept Lab. (Skift)
Sweden’s Audacious Plan to Move an Entire Town. (The Atlantic)
Self-Driving Trucks Are Going to Hit Us Like a Human-Driven Truck. (Medium)
Robots Are Really Bad At Folding Towels. (NPR News)
The game-changing guide to making perfect eggs (with recipes). (Well & Good NYC)
The Bachelorette and why I can’t be #TeamWomen. (Possessionista)
Poor Little Rich Women. (New York Times)
Finally, this will make you tear up (or at least it did me) – how sweet! One couple in their 20s got to see what they’ll look like to each other in 50 years. (Happy Place)
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Thanks, Laura for posting my article 🙂 I’m checking out the other fantastic links you put together. Have a great day.
I love all your writing!
All that I learned from this post is that one of the 5 secrets to always making a good impression is to drug whomever I meet with a cheese burger. No joke.
Outstanding. Teach that to your son.