Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Genius Job-Seeker Spelled Out “Hire Me” With A Running Route. (Self Magazine)
5 Ways Employers Discourage You From Negotiating Salary. (US News)
Knowledge@Wharton – How Companies Are Managing the Millennial Generation. (Hotel News Now)
Related: Millennials Coming of Age: Infographic. (Goldman Sachs)
What to Do When You Are the Subject of Office Gossip. (Wall Street Journal)
Related: The Rules of Talking About People You Work With. (Marie Claire)
Also related: 10 Useful Tips to Deal With Toxic People & Defamation. (Under 30 CEO)
Why Do People Hate Their Jobs? (Medium)
Make time. What you do outside of work matters. (Linked In)
How can you measure your company culture? (Medium)
Job #1 of a Leader: Be Clear. (Full Contact)
The Uberpreneur: How An Uber Driver Makes $252,000 A Year. Fascinating and brilliant! (Forbes)
Exhaustion is not a status symbol. (Washington Post)
8 Tricks To Make Yourself Wake Up Earlier. (Fast Company)
One Way To Use Someone Else to Strengthen Your Good Habits. (Gretchen Rubin)
How to Send Better Email – Without Second-Guessing a Single Word. (Buffer)
What to Say to Get Your Way. (Science of People)
The Nine Primary Tactics Used to Influence Others. (Farnam Street)
An Addict’s Guide to Overcoming the Distraction Habit. (Zen Habits)
A Navy SEAL Explains 8 Secrets To Grit And Resilience. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
The Psychology Of Fear: How Tough Mudder Designs Obstacles To Torture You. (Fast Company)
25 Life Hacks to Eat Better. (Hello Healthy)
Appetite ‘pacemaker’ tells you when you’re actually hungry. (Engadget)
Tapping Into Ancestral Hunger, Part 2: Top Hacks for the 24 Hour Fast. (Inside Tracker)
Allergy Risk May Be Tied to How You Wash Your Dishes. (New York Times)
Motion Enters the Common Workspace. I’d love to get this for new my home office! (Fluid Stance)
Put Down the Pink Dumbbell. (Medium)
Fighting over exercise (guest post). (Miz Fit Online)
Upper body “terrain”. (Katy Says)
What You May Not Know About Muscle Soreness. (Hello Healthy)
Too funny: Tried Crop Fit? (You Tube)
The 8 Running Hacks for Smart Runners. (Rock Creek Runner)
You can’t run the same race twice. (Run to the Finish)
The Wanderlust Gene: Why Some People Are Born To Travel. (Elite Daily)
Does JetBlue or Delta Win With New Long-Haul Rules From New York’s LaGuardia? (Skift)
The Bus: Nothing to Fear. (Economist)
Denver International Airport celebrates 20 years. (Denver Post)
The Hottest Ticket in Denver Is a Train Ride From Downtown to Ski Slopes. (Skift)
The California Ski Industry’s Fight for Survival in the Era of Climate Change. (Skift)
Your Travel Misadventures. (New York Times)
How the Rise of Digital Media Drove Food Culture and Tourism. (Skift)
The Man CNN Hopes Will Be the Next Anthony Bourdain. (Skift)
You have a new follower. (Economist)
Why Your Instagram Nature Shot Is Breaking the Law. (Outside Online)
Boston Woman Uses Tinder to Find Someone to Shovel Out Her Car. (Jezebel)
19 Bars In America You Should Drink At Before You Die. (Buzzfeed)
Why BuzzFeed is the Most Important News Organization in the World. (Stratechery)
McDonald’s asks indie band to play for free during SXSW. Read their fantastic reply. (Dangerous Minds)
Finally, for a totally un-PC laugh: How German sounds compared to other languages. (YouTube)
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Thanks for the links to the California Ski Resort article. It’s so interesting to read the outside perspective while living it. Also, only semi-related, the program I manage is involved with the Ski with a Ranger program from the first picture. I got so excited!
That is so cool, Lynn – you’re famous!
We love you too! Thanks for the link love = )
Thank YOU for the great article! 🙂