Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

From Diversity to Dogs: The Top 10 workplace trends for 2015. (Main Street)
“Lean the f*** away from me”: Jessica Williams, “impostor syndrome” & how we doubt women. (Salon)
How to Build a Transparent Company the Buffer Way. (Zapier)
Google Wants To Fix Your Work Email Nightmare. (Fast Company)
5 Ways to Be a Power Influencer at Work. (LearnVest)
Here’s What People Think About You From the Way You Walk. (LevoLeague)
6 Ways to Work Way Less and Still Be Productive. (Brazen Careerist)
Verdict: What you should wear to become as productive as possible. (A Life of Productivity)
A View From Davos: Putting Purpose to Work. (Huffington Post)
The Power of Expecting More Than Average. (A Quest for Running Perfection)
6 important things you should know about how your brain learns. (Crew Labs)
A Plunge and Squish View of the Mind. (Farnam Street)
The FBI’s Top Hostage Negotiator Teaches You How To Lower Your Bills. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Closing Your Eyes Helps You Remember Stuff. (The Science of Us)
How Mathematicians Make Breakthroughs. (Medium)
Science-backed ways to get happier. (Well + Good NYC)
Why do we run so slowly in our dreams? (Mashable)
Why You Should Sleep With Your Socks On. (Philly Magazine)
Why We, the “Foodies”, Don’t Talk About Weight. (The Kitchen)
4 Money Pros Moonlighting as Athletes Share Their Secrets. (LearnVest)
5 Ways Your Health Can Impact Your Financial Well-Being. (LevoLeague)
Does ‘Healthy Obesity’ Actually Exist? (The Science of Us)
North Korea Bars Marathon Tourists From Pyongyang Race. (Skift)
Grading Airports and Airlines on Passenger Personalization Progress. (Skift)
DIA20: Denver airport CEO Kim Day faces the future. (Denver Business Journal)
Aerotropolis: Are airport cities the wave of the future? (USA Today)
Do Luggage Guarantees Really Matter? (Skift)
3 Flight Attendants Share Tips and Tricks For Perfect Packing. (Pop Sugar)
Exclusive: Tour the New York City Ballet’s Designer Costume Workshop. (Racked)
And finally, that damned dress: The internet is losing its composure over this dress that might be white and gold or black and blue. I saw it as white/gold the first time I looked at it, but a few hours later, I saw it as blue/black… and I started freaking out. However, after continuing to look at it for far too long, it became so I could flip the colors I saw at will! What colors do you see? (Business Insider)
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