Sorry so late today on the links – it was tricky to get WiFi at the resort where I’m on vacation! But here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Cool read: How a Single Mom Created a Plastic Food-Storage Empire. (Mental Floss)
Women Lose Ambition Once They Get To Work. (Forbes)
Lunch, Coffee, Baseball: The Social Words That Could Save Your Job. (Wall Street Journal)
Here’s Why Good Employees Quit. (LinkedIn)
How I Live My Life On Purpose. (Yes and Yes)
The Art of Goal Setting: How To Set Goals The Right Way. (High Performance Lifestyle)
The Quickstart Guide to Quitting a Bad Habit. (Zen Habits)
Instant Gratification. (The American Scholar)
How We Sent a Man to the Moon Without E-mail and Why it Matters Today. (Cal Newport)
Nobody Knows What The Hell They Are Doing. (99U)
Inside The Endurance Athlete’s Mind. (Forbes)
Science Has Finally Figured Out How Elite Athletes Best Each Other. Pay Attention. (LinkedIn)
Can You Guess the Most Popular Day of the Week to Work Out? (Self Magazine)
Hungry People Make Better Decisions. (Men’s Fitness)
Sugar Addiction and Food Obsession. (Go Kaleo)
What’s a Weight Neutral Holiday (& Why You Should Aim for One). (My Fitness Pal)
Must-watch video: What Predicts a Healthy Diet? (Farnam Street)
73 Thoughts Every Woman Has On a Long Training Run. Funny, and pretty true too! I shudder to think what a written log of all my thoughts during a long run would look like, though I generally try to at least partially explain in my race reports. (Fitbie)
How to Sleep Better: Advice From 13 Health Experts. (Amerisleep)
Westin Introduces Sleep Sensor Wearable-Lending Program. (Hotel News Now)
This reminds me of the awesome and terrifying novel Crashers: Hacking aircraft: Remote control. (EconBizTravel)
Customer service key for airports. (Airport World)
Something I am keeping in mind: Great Vacation? Don’t Brag to Your Friends. (New York Times)
9 Small Beer Cities that Deserve National Attention. I’ve had some great beer in six of these – perhaps a tour of the others is in order? (Thrillist)
Where Young College Graduates Are Choosing to Live. (New York Times)
Being A Woman Online. Ugh, this is unfortunately so true. Just last week, I was yelled at by a guy who said I was “too judgmental” because I had decided after a first date that I wasn’t interested in a second. (Buzzfeed)
Finally, for a bit of nostalgia: Return To Sweet Valley High. I read Sweet Valley Twins, not High, but this still took me back! (Already Pretty)
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the runner’s thoughts are so true!
Haha I know, right? 🙂