Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. (Note that this week, many are Thanksgiving-themed because I was reading them before Thursday… just one more reason to follow me on Twitter or become a Facebook fan to get what I’m reading in real time!) Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

35 Things to Do for Your Career by 35. (Time)
The Road Not Taken: Why I Started Calling BS in Meetings. (Linked In)
4 Ways to Leave Work at a Reasonable Hour (& Guilt-Free). (99U)
The Genius of Wearing the Same Outfit Every Day. (Linked In)
16 Tips for Getting 90 Percent of Your Work Done in the Morning. (Inc)
Email overload? Read this. (Medium)
10 Plain Text Files You Should Have on Your Desktop for Higher Productivity. (Zapier)
Want a New Idea? Be (a Little) Narcissistic. (99U)
Overwhelmed & Rushed? Do a Stress Assess. (Zen Habits)
The Ten Pillars of Cutthroat Zen. (Farnam Street)
It’s All Too Easy to Ignore Dealbreakers. (The Science of Us)
No Time? No Excuse! Three Minutes (One Minute All Out, Only) Exercise Per Week Suffice. (Suppversity)
Struggling to Get Fit? Add Potions Before Your Boss Fight. This isn’t about supplements at all; it’s about the importance of not letting “the perfect be the enemy of the good”… which I know I can be quite guilty of doing. (Nerd Fitness)
Six Ways You Can Succeed in Running. (See Dane Run)
Would You Pay $447 for a Yoga SmartMat? (Daily Burn)
Optimize Your Off-Season. More importantly, this article details why it’s critical to have an off-season in the first place. (Q by Equinox)
How to Avoid Getting Stuffed on Thanksgiving. (My Fitness Pal)
Related: Short and Sweet: An Experiment in Portion Control. (Cranky Fitness)
Bye-Bye, Rows? New Airplane Design Has You Sitting in a Circle. (Yahoo)
AirAsia Readies Southeast Asian Flight Pass as Competition Heats Up. I find any ideas to shake up airline revenue management fascinating! (Skift)
Fast track. (Airport World Magazine)
At D/FW Airport, ‘green light’ means you’ve found yourself a parking space. (Dallas Morning News)
10 Ways to Make the U.S.’s 10 Worst Airports Better This Holiday. (Skift)
Flight delays: The worst American airports for winter flying. (The Economist)
Ski Industry Fights Perception of Elitism as Day Passes Top $100. (Skift)
Colorado Pot Tourism Means a New Kind of Green This Holiday Season. Even though I don’t smoke, I think it’s so cool to follow the emergence/growth of what is a brand new business industry – especially as more states continue to legalize it. So many widespread implications! (Skift)
A Modern Guide to Thanksgiving Etiquette. (Bon Appetit)
Adulting Step 332: Handle houseguests in top-notch style. Great little things in here that you might not otherwise think of! (Adulting)
Not an actual tip, but hilarious: Here’s How To Make A Totally Epic Thanksgiving With Fast Food. (Buzzfeed)
And finally, for another laugh: 25 people you see at your hometown bar the night before Thanksgiving. I’m pretty sure that I basically fit the intention behind “The Chess Club President Who Does CrossFit Now”… what about you? (Thrillist)
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