Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Maximize Your Post-Conference Experience. Good tips! (99U)
How To Build A Winning Relationship With Your Boss. (LinkedIn)
Being A Good Leader Is NOT Up To You. (LinkedIn)
The Hated Leader: You Can’t Handle the Truth. (LinkedIn)
How to Use Criticism to Boost Your Career. (Levo League)
Bullish: Social Class In The Office. (The Gloss)
A 5-Minute Hack to Finding Your Life’s Work. This is a really cool idea and one that I’d like to try with my friends! (Live Your Legend)
Building Joy into Brand Experiences. (Wall Street Journal)
7 Psychological Tricks to Use in an Interview. (Levo League)
Nobody Knows What The Hell They Are Doing. (99U)
How To Get Respect: 5 Points Backed By Science. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Great insights! 5 Psychology Studies That Will Help Growth Hackers Achieve Real Results. (Clarity)
10 Things to Give Up to Develop a Positive Life. (LinkedIn)
7 Ways Sleep Affects Your Work. (Huffington Post)
Stay Healthy on Vacation With This Simple Hack. Fun little game! (Nerd Fitness)
12 Ways to Avoid Marathon Training Burnout. (Run to the Finish)
How a Sub-2 Hour Marathon Will Happen. Maybe next week in Chicago? (See Dane Run)
How to Pick the Perfect Workout Buddy. (SELF Magazine)
New Study Says an Apple a Day Might Keep You Slim. (DailyBurn)
The Weird But Important Things Farts Reveal About Your Diet. Oh boy, I can already see the keyword searches on my blog getting impacted by my putting this title on here 🙂 (Greatist)
Low Sodium Intake for Athletes – Good for Your Health, or Ergolytic Bogus & Hazardous Bullshit? (SuppVersity)
Did a Cycling App Contribute to Bike Death? (New York Magazine)
Why The U.S. Chills Its Eggs And Most Of The World Doesn’t. I remember my grandparents used to keep the milk and eggs on the shelf instead of in the fridge… this is enlightening. (NPR)
Interesting cultural challenges here: To sit or separate? (Economist)
What It’s like to Fly the $23,000 Singapore Airlines Suites Class. Glad he blew the money so I don’t have to 🙂 (Medium)
Airlines go à la carte: Why travellers should get used to more ‘unbundling’. (Financial Post)
Size of the Matter. (Airport World Magazine)
This is a gamechanger: Delta’s kicked out of Love Field. (Dallas Morning News)
Marriott Pays $600,000 Fine for Blocking Guests’ Wi-Fi Hotspots. I did not know this was done! (Skift)
Interview: Virtuoso CEO on Why the Right Kind of Travel Agent Survived. (Skift)
Are you a ‘taker’? How to tell if you take too much + what to do about it. (Yes and Yes)
The Myth of the “Maxxinista”. I knew some of this, but not all. Glad to hear that there are some legal issues being raised! (Medium)
Finally, for a chuckle: What Happens When You Actually Bake Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough Ice Cream? (Thrillist)
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I made the list, WOHOOOOOOOO
MIss ya girl!!
GREAT post! And I hope to see you soon 🙂