Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

These 10 Internships Pay More Than Your Job Does. (Huffington Post)
Workaholics beware! The Latest Occupational Hazard: Binge Working. (LearnVest)
Thanks to How To Run a Remote Team Standup Meeting, I implemented a new format for my team’s remote standup meeting this past Friday, and was super psyched with how well it went – very efficient and we got a lot done. (Zapier)
My company uses Lotus Notes but my client uses Outlook – this was really helpful! Microsoft Outlook Email Hacks. (Business Insider)
How to Make Your Life a Little Less Hectic. (Tech Cocktail)
7 Tips For Boosting Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence). (Levo League)
I’ve been having a really rough time lately, and so very much appreciated this inspiring article my mom sent me: 6 Quotes To Encourage You To ‘March On’ This March. (Huffington Post)
Reader request: How to get out of an exercise slump. (TracyRemelius)
Ha, this is awesome – and I think we all have a little bit of this within us at times. The Inner Monologue Of A Non-Runner. (Thought Catalog)
11 Incredible Ways Running Could Change the World. What a cool campaign by Mizuno! (Greatist)
Tips from Texas Health orthopedic surgeon & marathoner on moving from indoor to outdoor workouts. (Dallas Morning News)
Mid-Day Workouts: Yay or Nay? I unfortunately haven’t been able to make them work with my job 🙁 (Corporette)
8 Ways to Learn to Love Spin Class. (Daily Burn)
Spinning vs. Cycling: Which Burns More Calories? (Prevention Magazine)
Why you can’t spot-burn fat. (Well + Good)
How To Travel In Style [While On A Budget]. (Living In Yellow)
Working With Carry-Ons. (Running With Miles)
Related: United Cracks Down on Flyers with Oversized Carry-on Bags. Hallelujah! (Skift)
The Ultra-Wealthy Look to Space to Shrink Travel Time to Vacation Homes. (Skift)
Also targeting the wealthy: Thailand Tourism Wants to Help You Fix What’s Wrong With Your Face. (Skift)
Air security: How to hijack a plane. (Economist)
Joe Queenan: A Word of Advice … on Advice. (Wall Street Journal)
Gorgeous essay about growing up as a first-generation American: Michigan in Color: Our sacrifice, our shame. (Michigan Daily)
Beers to Drink Before You Die. I’ve had a lot of these, but there are still a few left on my list! (Thrillist)
How America fell out of love with orange juice. (Quartz)
Related: Is it time to say ‘bye-bye’ to the banana? (MSN News)
This is a really cool inside look at the Oscars by a totally down-to-earth girl: I Went to the Oscars and Nobody Cared. (My Space)
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What a great resource you’ve put together here. Just wanted to say thanks for including my article in your post!
Thank YOU for writing such a great post!
Thanks for that list of beers! Needed!