Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

17 Things You Suddenly Start Doing When You Get An Office Job. (Thought Catalog)
When women help other women at work. (Washington Post)
Ugh, so frustrating that there are still chauvinistic pigs like this in the world! Note left for female pilot: Cockpit ‘no place for a woman’. (Today)
This title may seem chauvinistic, but I found it helpful: Plus-One Style: Dinner at Your Husband’s Boss’s House. (Corporette)
The one simple thing that can make you much more impressive. (The Week)
How to Deal With Difficult Coworkers. (Daily Worth)
Dedication and Rewards: Why You Should Work for a Meritocracy. (Under 30 CEO)
5 Ways to Persuade Your Boss to Let You Work From Home. (Levo League)
Why Multitasking is a Waste and How to Truly Be More Productive. (Greatist)
Busy isn’t respectable anymore. (Tyler Wardis)
Why Your To-Do List is Broken and How You Can Fix It. -(Zapier)
10 Habits All Extremely Productive People Have In Common. (Elite Daily)
The Best Productivity Tips & Apps from the Experts in our Community. (Evercontact)
Great reminder to start things now: In the Future Everything is Perfect. (Summer Tomato)
Need Motivation? Watch This Woman’s Incredible Transformation When She Goes to the Gym 4 100 Days. (Thought Catalog)
Cool comparisons here: Cellulite, Stretch Marks, and a Love Your Body Challenge .(Molly Galbraith)
This sounds gimmicky, but it’s fascinating: What You Need to Know to Lose Belly Fat and Get Flat Abs. (Fitness Magazine)
89 Simple Swaps That Could Change Your Life. (Greatist)
Wearable Fitness Trackers – Are We Creating A New Addiction? (The Valentine RD)
10 Things I Learned From My Heart Rate Monitor. (Huffington Post)
Confessions of a Former Group Fitness Instructor. (XO Jane)
My new apartment has its own in-unit washer/dryer, which means I can wash really small loads and do lots of things separately; I can’t wait to start using these tips! The Dirty Spandex Bible: 18 Crucial Tips for Washing Your Workout Gear. (Rate Your Burn)
9 Books Every Runner Should Read. (Huffington Post)
Cool ultramarathon race report! Crabby Hits the Jackpot: Cranky Readers are Ultra-Awesome! (Cranky Fitness)
The Multi-Million Dollar Campaigns Cruise Companies Are Aiming at Millennials. (Skift)
Also related to how the millenial generation is changing the travel industry: Young Females Are the Most Likely to Browse Travel Sites During Lunch Breaks. (Skift)
Why Pinterest Is A Must For Hotels. (Hotel News Now)
Starwood offers this for elites already; perhaps it will trend for all hotels? I hope so! Palms Las Vegas Lets Guests Check-Out 24 Hours a Day. (Skift)
The simple way to make airplane wine taste better. (Quartz)
iBeacons and airports: Results from a real-world test. (Tnooz)
Cool use of Big Data! – Dallas Museum of Art Trades Memberships for Data. (Businessweek)
17 Things To Actually Try This Year (Instead Of Just Talking About Them). (Thought Catalog)
Sriracha Chemistry: How Hot Sauces Perk Up Your Food And Your Mood. (NPR)
How Silence Became a Luxury Product. (New Republic)
Who Is the Perfect Partner? (Psychology Today)
For your fashion spring cleaning needs: How to Play “Closet” (Corporette) and How to Spring Clean Your Closet Based On What You Own. (Budget Babe)
And for a laugh (especially when you realize you have friends who do each of these)… What Your Facebook Picture Says About You. (SomeEcards)
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Wow, SO many links here I want to check out, what an amazing compilation!
And thanks for including the Cranky Fitness ultra marathon post! It was guest post written by one of our favorite commenters because there is NO WAY in, um, heck that I’d ever run 100 miles all in a row. She’s 60 years old too, which in my mind means she’s old enough to know better. 🙂
Glad you liked my links! Your posts are always fantastic, but this one was especially interesting to me, being about marathons/ultras 🙂