Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Money Secrets of the World’s Richest People. (LearnVest)
What to Do When You’re Asked to Go Get the Coffee. (Linked In)
10 Tips For Taking the Sting out of Feedback. (Levo League)
Professional Women and “Empowering” Clothes. (Corporette)
This is a really cool and informative infographic! The Art of the E-Mail Subject Line. (Business Week)
Why Successful Habits Are About Structure, Not Effort. (Fast Company)
7 Habits of Punctual People. (Savvy Sugar)
Meet The Super Taskers. The irony is I bet everyone is going to think they’re a super tasker now 😉 (Psychology Today)
Don’t Do It Because You Want to, Do It Because You Have To. (Under30CEO)
8 Signs You’re Way Too Stressed (and How to Deal). (Daily Burn)
You’re Not Worse Than Other People. Sometimes I need this reminder! (Zen Habits)
Why I killed my standing desk. (Ooomf)
50 Secrets of the World’s Longest Living People. (Ben Greenfield Fitness)
The science of memory (and 4 uncommon ways to enhance it). (Ooomf)
This is a long read but a really cool critical look at soylent, including the future possibilities: How I Ate No Food for 30 Days. (Motherboard)
2014 Has Been Declared “The Year of the Butt” – Here are Three Reasons Why You Should Care. (The Great Fitness Experiment)
Ginger Relieves Muscle Pain from Your Workout. (Green Med Info)
If You Run Slow, Who Cares? (Competitor)
So, you probably heard about that idiot in Georgia who bandited a race (i.e., ran it without paying) and took selfies along the way bragging about doing so? (Not giving her clicks.) Here’s an awesome parody/analogy: I Stole Stuff From a Running Store. (Runners’ World)
Add Corporate Travel Planners to List of Those Unhappy With Delta’s Loyalty Changes. I’m on that list too! (Skift)
Is It Better to Buy Old Airplanes or New Ones? (Cranky Flier)
Informative: This is Why It’s Taken So Long to Get Wi-Fi on International Flights. (Conde Nast)
The Number of Delayed and Lost Bags Reaches Ten-Year Low in 2013. And if you don’t want your bag lost or delayed, how about just pack sensibly and don’t check a bag at all?! (Skift)
Exciting stuff for RoomKey! As hotel booking engine Room Key turns 2, it looks to loyalty personalization. (Tnooz)
Sign of the times – hotels add social media to wedding packages. Can I get this job? (Tnooz)
Airbnb’s Newest Plan for Gaining Legitimacy in New York City. Great idea, and I’m not sure why it took so long to think of this potential compromise. (Skift)
The Importance Of Keeping A Vacation Journal. Or a blog! (Levo League)
Let’s Talk About The “Joy” Of Moving Out Of Your Home Into Another. This is my life right now. (Thought Catalog)
She Said/She Said: Dear Friends With Kids, Dear Friends Without Kids. (XO Jane)
Don’t Help Your Kids With Their Homework. (The Atlantic)
Related: In McLean, a crusade to get people to back off in the parenting arms race. (Washington Post)
This is a generic brand video. Look familiar? I was cracking up! (Marissa Says)
5 Real Deal Breakers In The Dating World: Statistically Speaking, You’re Way Too Picky! Yikes… (Thought Catalog)
Antoinette Tuff survived a standoff with a gunman… could you? (CNN)
Cool behind-the-scenes look at a “magic” video! Tube of Mystery: Backstage. (Richard Wiseman)
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