Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Diary Entry #197 – Have You Told Your Spouse? (Manager’s Diary)
Social Media Marketing Tips and Insights from a Big Boring Brand. (Jeff Bullas)
The 5 Step Formula For Presenting Like A Leader. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Sometimes you need to stop executing and prepare! Sneak Attack–Monthly Goals. (Cranky Fitness)
3 Bafflingly Paradoxical Time Hacks – Extreme Time Management and Productivity. (Ben Greenfield)
Hey Over Achiever! Five Reasons Why Your Productivity ≠ Self Worth. (Kyla Roma)
5 Ways To Stop Yourself From Procrastinating. (Thought Catalog)
Mental Model: Circle of Competence. (Farnam Street)
14 Health Hacks That Actually Work. (Ben Greenfield)
Is the IIFYM Diet Right for You? I think it sounds really reasonable and worth considering (Daily Burn)
More on IIFYM: What is Flexible Dieting? (and How to Get Started). (Healthy Eater)
Body-Weight Exercises You’re Doing Wrong. (Men’s Health)
I always have so many complaints about hotel gyms; this was an interesting guide to everything hoteliers consider! Hotel Gyms Are Evolving But Hoteliers Have Lots of Room For Improvements. (Skift)
Another area of hotels where I feel strongly about design: I need these features ASAP! Streamlining Hotel Check-Ins for Business Travelers. (Travel + Leisure)
Five macro trends shaping the future of travel. (Tnooz)
I side with Delta here… it’s a business decision, not a matter of “who needs to be there the most”. Airlines can’t be the arbiter of that! Was Delta Right to Favor the Florida Gators? (WSJ)
3 Ways To Improve Air Travel From an Airport Concessions Expert. (Gizmodo)
I haven’t been to Poland in a while, but life there is so unique that this brought so much of it back to me: Mornings In Poland. (Yes and Yes)
This ad is adorable! Kobe and Messi Try To Recreate a Monster Hit For Turkish Airlines, In Selfies. (Skift)
Speaking of selfies, this is crazy, but super interesting. All by my selfie! Taking travel photos with imaginary girlfriend. (CNN)
Cool pics here! NYC Takes Subway Riders Underground with Amazing Flickr Account. (Skift)
11 World-Changing Uses For Drones That Don’t Involve Killing People. (Thought Catalog)
The List: Pause and ponder the wonder of the life and the love you have.. (Runners World)
This made me cry… so beautiful! A Candy Bar and a Dollar Bill: The Best Gift I’ve Ever Given. (The Great Fitness Experiment)
And for a holiday laugh: My Kid’s Insane Christmas Wish List, Annotated. (Deadspin)
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OMG that guy taking selifes of his imaginary Girlfriend cracks me up!