Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Want a More Flexible Work Schedule? Here’s How to Ask Your Boss. (Levo League)
Vacation is the perfect time to plan ahead and think about this: 37 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance. (Daily Muse)
My Office is Awesome: Why Having Fun at Work is a Good Idea. I know I am supposed to be in the millenial generation, but honestly, I guess I kind of behave like an older person, because I prefer to separate work life and personal life? I’m weird! (Greatist)
The Top 7 Management Tips From Harvard Business Review. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
Who doesn’t need this?! How to battle email burnout: Expert advice from email-efficient CEOs. (Ooomf)
Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They Avoid. (Forbes)
Beautifully written: The Fear of Being Alone. (Zen Habits)
6 Secrets You Can Learn From The Happiest People On Earth. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
I definitely need these from time to time! 10 Activities To Get Yourself Over A Bad Mood. (Thought Catalog)
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. (Farnam Street)
Making Resolutions Stick: 10 Tips for New Years’ Success. (Go Kaleo)
This reminds me of a system my high school history teacher introduced for working on a term paper – pretty cool! The Notecard System: The Key For Remembering, Organizing And Using Everything You Read. (Thought Catalog)
Test Your Strength: How Fit Are You Really? (Daily Burn)
Didn’t pass the test? Get better with The Heart-Pumping Bodyweight Workout You Can Do in a Commercial Break. (Greatist)
And once you can pass the pushups portion, try this! Baby Goat Push Ups Are the Best Push Ups. (Jezebel)
The Trouble with Snooze Buttons (and with Modern Sleep). (New Yorker)
Should You Choose Your Workout Over Sleep? (Q by Equinox)
I was by no means interested in entering this myself, but I was still really bummed to hear it was canceled! National Park Cancels World’s Toughest Foot Race Due to Safety Concerns. (Skift)
“You are what your father eats,” according to new study. (Tree Hugger)
I tried JuicePress yesterday and really liked it, so this was interesting: Drinking to Health: Alcohol Mixed With Juice Instead of Soda. (New York Times)
So sweet for the holidays! Omni Hotel Opening Its Doors To Homeless. (CBS DFW)
The “native” perspective in a tourist destination is interesting: When her home town of Charleston, S.C., became a top tourist spot, everything changed. (Washington Post)
Creepy! Authorities Probe Whether Mozambique Airlines Crash Was Deliberate. (Skift)
This is a handy trick to know: Forget Your ID? Your Facebook Profile Could Be Enough To Get You On Your Flight. (All Facebook)
Delta Air Lines: Flexing muscles in Atlanta. (Economist)
Cool new biz model! – Options Away Provides a Way to Guarantee a Fare Without Buying a Ticket by @CrankyFlier http://buff.ly/1fJh6cb
Oh yes, it’s year end trend time! 5 Trends That Changed Hotel Technology in 2013. (Skift)
And coming up… Travel Trends for 2014 According to one High-End Travel Agency. (Skift)
7 Reasons Why You Should Travel Alone At Least Once In Your Life. (Thought Catalog)
This vacation, I’m working on decluttering and cleaning stuff out – so I loved The noise of stuff. (Medium)
And apparently I also need to start making a bucket list… 30 Things To Do Before Turning 30. (Thought Catalog)
100 Greatest Cooking Tips (of all time!). (Food Network)
Extremely bitter, but an interesting read: When “Life Hacking” Is Really White Privilege. (Medium)
The Documented Life. (New York Times)
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