Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

The True Cost of Leaning In. (Women in the World)
We’re at mid-year review time at my company, so I loved 5 Tips for Writing a Self Evaluation. (Savvy Sugar)
And once mid-years are complete, I’m really psyched to get this advice on accepting criticism. (Daily Muse)
Open Office Layouts Are Sucking the Life Out of Workers My current client has an open office layout, and I completely agree that it’s really hard to be productive in it. Not to mention that when one person gets sick, we all go down for the count! (Greatist)
Overwhelmed? Check out Try This Tuesday: Take One Thing Off Your List (The Small Change Project) or the Necessary Art of Subtraction (Zen Habits), both of which teach you the same technique.
I’m getting lots of reading done on vacation, but lately I’ve been sucking at making reading a regular habit. I’m thrilled to see this article on 8 Tips to Get More Reading Done! (Time Management Ninja)
One of the craziest data points in this article: 25% can’t recall the last time their phone wasn’t next to them. Except I’m actually shocked it’s not higher – anytime I’m without my phone is a time I remember well since I’m probably in panic mode looking for it! Oops, that’s probably not good either… (Fast Company)
The Clear Path To Success – A Vision With Supportive Habits. (Deep Existence)
Best Foam Rolling Exercise Every Busy Professional Should Do. Upper back has been my go-to ever since this summer, and it’s amazing how much cracking I get when I roll it out! (Built Lean)
This one got a great debate going on my Facebook page, though I can’t say any of us came up with a great solution: Health Insurance or Ensuring Health? (Run Faster Mommy)
Amazing, where do I get myself one of these? Foldable helmet gets rid of your last excuse for not protecting your poor, delicate skull. (Grist)
Awesome back-to-basics article that’s actually quite comprehensive: How Eating Too Many Calories From Any Food Makes You Gain Fat. (Impruvism)
Study: Better Runners Are … Inflexible? I found this interesting, since I’m actually still pretty flexible after taking ballet for 18 years. Maybe I’d be a better runner if I could tighten those muscles up instead of continually stretching them out? (Competitor)
My Garmin showed a distance run of nearly 39 miles when I ran my “60K” last week, but I was honestly expecting it to be about that much. Here’s why. (Eat Drink and Run)
Airline CEOs: the increasingly important quest to find the ideal characteristics. I had no idea there were so few females in airline leadership! (CAPA Aviation)
Light-Up Floors Could Be the Next Trend in Hotel Signage. What a cool new bit of technology! My hotel in Urubamba on Friday night actually had something kind of similar, where you press a button inside your room and a light goes on next to your door to indicate do not disturb.(Skift)
Nicer airports, worse airplanes: How shifting competition led to higher quality. Slate
Japan Pitches Its High-Speed Mag Lev Train. I hope the deal gets picked up! (New York Times)
British Airways takes child’s perspective for latest digital campaign. So cute! (Tnooz)
The Multitudes of Social. I would love it if more social networks converged; there are just too many inboxes to check! (Stratechery)
Fine by me if they package it this way, but I’d probably pour it into a glass before drinking. I just don’t like drinking out of a can! Pinot Noir in a can launched. (The Drinks Business)
11 Tips For Finding Gems At Thrift Stores That Don’t Make You Look Bankrupt Or Unstable. (Thought Catalog)
Here’s What Happens When You Ask People To Draw A Map Of The USA From Memory. I think this is meant to be funny, but it’s actually kind of frightening. (BuzzFeed)
This made me tear up – so cute and sweet! 16 Romantic Pugs Help A Guy Propose Marriage. (Bark Post)
6 Castles That Cost Less Than An Apartment In NYC. (BuzzFeed)
Finally, here’s a funny to end the list with a smile: Histagrams: Historical Moments As Hilarious Instagrams. (ApartmentTherapy)
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Wow, @ the one about drawing a map of the U.S. At first I thought, “Heck, this isn’t too bad.” Then I scrolled down more. Some of those are just inexcusable. I’m not saying I would get it perfect. Maybe not even close, but some of those are just down right embarrassing.
I have to hope that some of them are the person not caring about the assignment and giving up right away? But it just really doesn’t seem THAT hard…
Thanks for including me in link love! I had no idea that one got a debate going over on your FB page, I’ll have to check it out!
Really great post – I only feature the ones I love! 😉