Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Dear people who add me on LinkedIn when I’ve never met you: please read this and send me a message, or I will not accept. 3 Steps to Writing a Successful LinkedIn Message. (LearnVest)
Speaking of LinkedIn, did you hear about them founding Bring In Your Parents To Work Day? Really interesting concept; wish I had known about it sooner! – (LinkedIn)
15 Baseline Tech Skills All Entrepreneurs Should Have. (Under 30 CEO)
10 Examples of Brilliant Email Marketing and Why They’re So Great. (Hubspot)
My company uses a generic “PTO” category, but this is interesting! Three in Ten Workers Go to Work Sick to Save Sick Days for when They’re Feeling Well. (Hotel News Now)
How Did It Get to Be ‘OK’ for People to Be Late for Everything? Lately I’ve been guilty of this but I agree that it needs to stop! (Huffington Post)
What can we learn from the science of high performance? (Farnam Street)
If You Completely Ignored Your Goals and Focused on This One Thing Would You Get Better Results? (Thought Catalog)
My ‘Every Damn Day’ List (Or: One Really Easy Productivity Trick). This sounds like a great idea and I want to make a similar no-excuses list! (Yes and Yes)
5 Tips to Make Your Inbox More Manageable. (Under 30 CEO)
10 Life Lessons You Can Learn From The Smartest Older People. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
How Much Should Your Workout Hurt? (Q by Equinox)
Are New York’s boutique fitness class prices out of control? Um, YES. (Well and Good NYC)
Along the same lines… How many dollars in a marathon? (Washington Post)
Really fascinating post on goal setting and mindset: How Men and Women Run Marathons Differently. (Wall Street Journal)
Ryan absolutely crushed the marathon, but almost more than I’m impressed with his amazing time, his approach to training fits in line with what I’ve been saying all along (but am not speedy enough to popularize). If you are a runner, definitely read this! First Marathon: 3:04 – And Why I Trained By Running Only One to Two Times Per Week. (Throwback Fit)
Honored to be featured in this! Your Most Inspiring Fitness Photos: Marathon Moves. (Greatist)
60% of Extended Stay Hotel Guests Say They Miss Something from Home when Traveling. Love this concept to help them fix that! (Hotel News Now)
What is the impact of social media before, during and after a hotel stay? (Tnooz)
How Well Do Airlines Deal With Customers’ Twitter Requests? (Skift)
The Digital Elite – catering to hyper-connected travellers [INFOGRAPHIC]. (TNooz)
Will airlines use customization for good or evil? (USA Today)
Breaking: Gogo To Introduce In-Flight Text Messaging, But Will Disable Phone Calls. (Skift)
Fun videos here! It’s more than just a video: Lessons from airline marketing on YouTube. (TNooz)
My travel biz + running worlds colliding! Marathons Are Becoming a Guaranteed Tourist Attraction (Skift)
This is fantastic! Artist Puts Disney Princess Filter On 10 Real Life Female Role Models. (Women You Should Know)
Cool inside look at a restaurant: 22 Hours in Balthazar. (New York Times)
Formula for the perfect pizza revealed by Mathematician’s equation. (Daily Mail)
Finally, check out this insanely adorable video to start the day with a smile on your face 🙂 Baby Duck Slide. (You Tube)
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I love that Disney princess post! Thanks for sharing!
You might like this one too, then: http://sashiiko-anti.deviantart.com/art/Disney-goes-fashion-Final-316967985