September 22, 2013

Links I Love: September 22, 2013

Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Links I Love
Original image source: Mike Licht


Got More Than One Job Offer? 4 Questions to Help Make Up Your Mind. (LearnVest)

How to Tell if You Are a Bad Employee… And How to Fix it. (Wall Street Journal)

2X4: Four Ways to Work Better at Home. (Brightnest)

I often try to completely separate my work-life from my personal life, but We All Need Friends at Work. (Harvard Business Review)

This is really scary to learn! Trouble in Paradise: When Your Partner Resents Your Success. (LearnVest)

The First Version of Your Start-Up Should Embarrass You. (Inc)


Learning how to live. (The New Statesman)

Once you’ve read that: How To Stop Reading And Start *Doing*. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)

In the same vein: How The Heck Do I Get Started!? (Nerd Fitness)

Don’t Overthink It: 5 Tips for Daily Decision-Making. (99 U)

A Question That Can Change Your Life. (Peter Bregman)

And once you know what to focus on in your limited time: 5 Ways To Increase Your Attention Span and 5 Weird (But Effective) Ways You Can Conquer Chronic Procrastination (both Barking Up the Wrong Tree)


This is really fascinating – I had no idea how much high school sports cost schools! The Case Against High-School Sports. (The Atlantic)

I was just listening to a Ben Greenfield podcast that emphasized how hard you need to go when you do tabatas (oops, I’m probably guilty of half-assing it); here’s the science behind it: Tabata Workouts: Do They Work & How Energy-Demanding Are They? (You Must Earn It!) (SuppVersity)

If you’re just looking to squeeze a small calorie burn into your daily activities: 8 Nano Workouts You Can Do Anytime, Anywhere. (Fit Bottomed Girls)

More cool tricks to get moving here! Deconveniencing our lives (MizFit) and 16 Ways to Walk More Every Day. (Babble)

Need motivation? Check out these Long-Run Strategies (FitSugar) and 41 Quotes From Runners That Will Help You Power Through Your Last Mile. (Thought Catalog)

Or, you could always follow in the footsteps of a legend: How Far Did Rocky Go in His Training Run in ‘Rocky II’? (Philly Mag)

The Slowest Generation: Younger Athletes Are Racing With Less Concern About Time (Wall Street Journal) stirred up a lot of controversy. I really like Laura’s take on it. (Catching my Breath)

How Exercise Can Help Us Eat Less. (New York Times)


This is so awesome! Man Using Multicolored Balloons To Cross the Atlantic, Yes, Like in “Up!” (Thought Catalog)

Cool look at how airline meals are designed/made: The Fare Up There. (Roads and Kingdoms)

Why don’t Americans ride trains? (Economist)

Here’s one reason women may not like them: we never get an empty seat next to us! On planes and trains, everyone prefers to sit next to women. (Slate XX Factor)

What Travel Companies Do You Trust When Things Go Wrong? Apparently not airlines! (Skift)

I found this one really surprising – I get so frustrated when there isn’t Gogo on my flight because I’ve gotten so used to being productive in the air! Business travellers prefer to stay disconnected in air. (Tnooz)


This one got passed around by a lot of my friends, and is definitely worth a read: Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy. (Wait But Why)

I’m starting to work on cleaning out my apartment, so found this very helpful: 116 Things to Dispose Of. (SavvySugar)

These are amazing! 10 Customer Service Stories That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity. (Buffer)

If you weren’t getting teary yet, you will be after this: dying father walks his daughters down aisle because he won’t be there on wedding days. (Daily Mail)

Fascinating (and frightening) analysis… There Will Be Another Mass Shooting. This Is What the Data Tells Us.

But to end on a lighter note: It Gets Better (For Single People). (YouTube)

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9 thoughts on “Links I Love: September 22, 2013”

  1. It Gets Better: There was another video (not sure if the producers were the same) of a similar style called Help Kickstart WWIII. I enjoyed both videos; loved the creativity.

    Friends @ Work: Why do I feel like there is some deep and hidden propaganda behind pieces like that; where I am meant to feel good and develop a strong attitude about my time and place while turning a blind eye to the iniquities going on around me?

    Learning How To Live: Bookmarked that one for an evening quiet time that I can devote more time to really work through the entire piece. Quality essay that deserves more time and thought.

    A Question (Bergman): A very Waitly/Napoleon Hill question. Definitely a question to put on our laptop/mobile phone welcome screens and print out for our doors and automobiles.

    A Case Against HS Sports: What else did we expect from the most warring nation on earth? Why else would the age for HS graduation coincide with the age to enlist in the military?

    American Don’t Ride Trains: The answer is in the first paragraph. I wish the author had delved into hauling freight vs passengers – that is where the answer lies.

    Sit Next To Women: That is interesting. At the same time I would say there is about half the demographic of women (at least in rural California) where I would choose to sit next to a man rather than a woman. But I think that says more about the economy of rural California than it does about the social behavior of men and women.

    1. Other people definitely feel the same way – there are several websites (, that are dedicated to only uplifting topics!

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