Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

3 Things Rockstar Employees Need to Stay Put. I would add “something fascinating and challenging to work on” to this list.
How is your office set up? This sounds amazing! Ending the Tyranny of the Open-Plan Office.
A Better Way to Discover Your Strengths. You had me at the picture of Dwight Schrute.
9 Reasons Why Every Twentysomething Needs a Side Hustle. Blogging doesn’t really earn me money, but it’s been wonderful to focus on working hard at something I’m passionate about outside my full-time job!
Brit turned her love for health and fitness into a side hustle! Lean In: My story of pursuing my passions.
Along the “lean in” lines… How to Lean In to a Mentorship That Works.
If You Don’t Do It Now, You’ll Have Even More Work Later. Putting off work creates more work? 100% yes – which is a big part of my reason for working on my productivity skills this month.
Another option? Trick yourself. Games and your brain: how to use gamification to stop procrastinating.
Inbox Zero for Life . This strategy is awesome and one that I’m planning on implementing later in the month.
5 second summaries of 10 psychology books you need to read. I’m adding all of these to my list of library requests, but the summaries are super helpful in the meantime!
How Young People Get Fit: The 90s vs Today. Cue “you think your generation is so special, but it’s not” 🙂
Two sources for how to sleep better: Ben Greenfield Fitness and the New York Times.
I am such an advocate of variety and crosstraining for workouts, so this just makes perfect sense: Cross-train your diet.
Building an Injury-Free Body with Mobility Expert Kelly Starrett.
In case you didn’t follow those mobility tips, though, here’s What to Do After You Injure Yourself.
Is It Safe to Work Out Twice a Day? I do this all the time, so it’s great to learn how to do it right.
2013 National Runner Survey results are in! Cool to see the intersection of running and lots of data.
Why women can’t do pullups – fascinating!
Controversial new practice – Airline Seeks Only Female Stews to Reduce Flight Weight/Fuel Costs. Interesting when you consider that twenty years ago, flight attendants were hired specifically for their looks (and still are at some airlines).
Regular travel agencies becoming less popular? Shocker. Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) Versus the Internet.
Other trends: The return of the long vacationing American.
Skift’s top 5 smart travel reads of summer of 2013.
What do frequent flyers want from airports? Cinemas, sleeping pods and libraries.
Thanks to Blake for sending me this one! The Airline Industry – It’s time to care again.
The Shortcut to Getting Elite Frequent-Flier Perks. One thing this article doesn’t point out is that most airlines only grant you a status match/challenge once per lifetime, so you need to choose to use this one judiciously.
Pretty much the coolest hotel ever! Dubai’s underwater hotel inches closer to reality.
Testing the Hangover Cure at Chicago Clinic Revive. Perhaps some of you can use this after celebrating the Fourth of July weekend?
Awesome! WakeVoice Is an Alarm Clock That Talks To You (and You Can Talk To).
6 Ways to Protect Your Digital Brand. I need to do many of these still.
SO ridiculously cool – shades of ET! Real-Life Electric Jedi Hover-Bike Takes Off in Prague.
For some cute and comedy: Red Balloon School In Brazil Helps Students Learn English By Correcting Celebrities’ Grammar On Twitter.
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Thanks for sharing! Fascinating as always.
I totally agree with having a side hustle. I don’t make money off my blog either, but it’s something that I alone control, and I can mold, and push, and do whatever I want – not always the case with my 8-to-5! I also think the time management thing is so key. Tons of my friends are telling me “I don’t know how you do it,” which I don’t get. I just DO it. Make the time, plan, execute. BAM!
Alex, I’m going to be posting this week on my to-do list system; really looking forward to hearing more about how you do yours!
Awesome! I’ll watch out for it (maybe you’ll give me some tips!). That’s a great idea for a post. Maybe I’ll consider sharing mine in its entirety on my blog. (I’ll give you credit for the idea, of course!)
Great list! Loved the inspiration from Brit’s post!
Brit is SUCH an inspiration to me – I wish I could do what she does!
Love all of these! I never knew there was a National Runner’s Survey…that was really fun to read through!
I had no idea either until I came across it! So fascinating.
LOVE this – and love your new blog layout too!
Thanks, Brit! Your story is amazing 🙂