July 14, 2013

Links I Love: July 14, 2013

Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

Links I Love
Original image source: Mike Licht


What’s The Best Business Advice You’ve Ever Received? Five crowdsourced tips.

Overworked at the Office: Office Discrimination? I’ve definitely experienced this and have occasionally even wondered if I ought to invent a fake husband/kids.  What do you think?

I’ve heard some horror stories from friends about hiring practices, so I liked this advice: What to say to your job applicant rejects. (Thanks to Blake for sending!)

Checklist: the 5 secrets to winning at office politics. And an in-depth guide to #1: 21 Things That Just Aren’t Fair, So You Might As Well Get Over Them.

One way a major OTA keeps its developers happy: Trust. Certainly won’t work in all cases, but I think a self-motivating environment is one of the best ways to help people do their best work.


Oof, I think we could all use some help with this one: Overcome the distraction of the World Wide Web while working online.

Why Productive People Get Up Insanely Early. This one got a ton of thumbs up when I shared it on LinkedIn – definitely a good read!

Think getting up early takes too much discipline? Why Self-Disciplined People Are Happier.

The Magic of To Do Lists, courtesy of Under 30 CEO.

Leo Babauta always has great advice; check out his tips in The Key Habits of Organization.

I just finished reading Amy Jo Martin’s book, Digital Royalty, this week; I love her Ready, Set, Pause concept.


I am dying to take this class, but don’t want to do anything new to my neck/back without permission of my doctor and PT.

Another class I can’t take right now but have loved in the past is hot yoga. Good news: it’s totally safe!

Starting to wonder if my neck injury is caused by stress? Seems impossible for it to be this painful though…

But just in case: 17 Instant Anxiety Cures.

I worked at Panera Bread in high school, and am thrilled with their new hidden menu (which I use a lot for healthy meals in Dallas), but The Purple Giraffe makes a good point: Why not just put it on the menu?

This piece by Olive really made stop and think: Not All Runners Live in a Size Zero Frame.

But if you do want to ogle some great athletes’ bodies, ESPN just published their 2013 Body Issue (note: this is NSFW). I thought it was really interesting to see that some of the strongest/best athletes had bodies that weren’t at all size zero – the leg strength is very apparent!

HumanaVitality put together a great infographic/beginner checklist: Are You Race Day Ready?

I already use coconut oil as a wonderful makeup remover/night moisturizer, but that’s not all it’s good for; here are 14 beauty uses for coconut oil.


Lots about travel and social media this week; check out The 10 ways in which travelers are using Twitter for tips and For the travel moments you can’t tweet, tweet them anyway.

Twitter already passe? Here are 11 Travel Startups You Need to Know.

For those of you whining about your flight getting canceled due to weather (sorry, the airlines don’t control that), thought you might find it interesting to meet the guy who actually makes those decisions: Rick Curtis (again, thanks to Blake for sharing).

The Economist did a cool feature on the boarding process this week: Getting on planes: Boarding school.

But after you deplane, there’s even more room for process improvements: Dubai airports introduce smart gates to reduce international wait times.

The Travel Advice We Get Asked for the Most: How Do We Fly So Cheap? HeelsFirst did a great writeup, but also don’t forget to check out my tips for cheap airfare and how to use ITA Matrix.

Finally, the evolution of vacation destinations: A Short History of Getting Away from It All in America.


8 Reasons Why Cell Phones Should Be Replaced With Baby Sloths. Or how about puppies? That can text for you?? TEXTS FROM DOG!!!

Childhood throwback! This makes me so happy: Kimmy Gibbler And DJ Tanner Will Always And Forever Be BFFs.

Hilarious review of the Vaportini: Yeah I just smoked vodka.

The 8 Reasons Why New York Rents Are So Ridiculously High. So can we please start knocking down the dirty East Village and replacing it with pretty high rises yet?

Totally disagree with just about everything in this, but an interesting point of view nonetheless: Stop trashing millennials.

Developer Hacks His Microwave Into The Microwave Of The Future.

Finally, for a good laugh: Zoo Visitors Watch Mating Rituals Of Ice Cream Shop Staff (thanks to Laura for sharing).

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5 thoughts on “Links I Love: July 14, 2013”

  1. I loved that “Overworked at the Office” article. My team is mostly childless (we’re all in committed relationships; one of us has kids but her partner is a SAHD), and while our director doesn’t expect us to stay late in the face of personal commitments (I confided in her once, for example, that I was irritated with my husband for scheduling an endoscopy without consulting me/my work schedule first, since I had to drive him, and she said, “Oh, no, you need to do that with him, don’t worry about it,”), but there definitely is a “Well you don’t have kids to go home to so you should meet up with the consultants for drinks after work since we can’t,” for example. Which, once in a while is fine, but most nights I have fitness classes or group runs scheduled and these things are important to me. I schedule them for after 6pm – late enough that I’m not ducking out “early” (i.e., before, say, 5:30), but still makes for a hard and fast “stop.” Fortunately, my team and others in our office are supportive of a work-life balance despite marital and/or child status.

    Also, totally agree on the up early article. 4am is a bit much for me, but it is rare that I sleep past 8am on a weekend. My husband is a night owl, so he gets a solid 3-4 hours after I go to bed of “him time”, and I get a solid 3-4 hours of “me time” on the weekends in the early am hours. It’s great.

  2. 1. Overworked Single Girls (Or Guys): I really wish the open market was allowed to function the way it should. It makes me wonder, if we could really let our feet do the talking, then would these so-called-workplace problems even be an issue? I puke nearly every time that someone implies that the open market doesn’t work, because of perceived problems like these. Though, I do sympathize with people who have difficult job situations that make it hard for them to find the balance in their life. Flat out there is no good reason that it should happen in the 21st century.

    2. Self-Disciplined People: I was at a music festival a couple weekends ago, and thought of an idea for a t-shirt (my friends weren’t quite sure what to think), but I liked it: “Freedom is the responsibility to have fun.”

    3. Stress So Bad It Hurts: Think about marathons, why do runners put so much thought into their fueling schedules when running? If managing two stresses is a difficult task when running a marathon (exercise and digesting), then what is it like for all of us who are managing 3, 4, or more stresses every day? Yeah, I totally like this article, more people should read it.

    4. Kimmy and DJ: Dang, thanks for nothing. I thought I had gotten over my crush for DJ 13 years ago (though I am also curious what happened with Steph). Oh well…

    5. Coconut Oil: Am I that odd that I have found an all-natural curly hair product (which includes coconut oil), that I must use before I go to work/start my day? Or now that I have found a hair stylist that actually understands how to style curly hair, I no longer want anyone to touch my hair?

  3. I kind of hate your link posts, because I want to click on ALL OF THEM. So, basically what I’m saying is that your link about how to not get distracted on the internet is distracting me 😉

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