Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂

The Toughest Advice I Ever Got … Was the Best Advice. I really like “don’t confuse effort with results”!
Still need a wakeup call? 11 Ways To Live an Unremarkably Average Life.
My friend Adam sent me The Machismo of Extreme Work, telling me I’d find it fascinating. He was right!
Why the Workplace Will Be the Future of Health and Fitness.
Whether you work multiple jobs or not, I thought How to Balance Multiple Jobs (Without Losing Your Mind) had some great advice about compartmentalizing and general productivity improvements.
What 3 tricks will get people (including yourself) to do things right? This checklist includes “make a checklist” – how meta.
Association – who are your friends? They may be impacting you more than you think.
Can You Stay on Task for 5 Minutes? The answer may be surprisingly scary.
As for why you can’t stay on task: We Are All Internet Addicts Now—Just Don’t Call It That. (And its counterpart, the Digital Detox Summer Camp for Adults.)
An ‘Up’ Outlook Can Improve Our Health. I’m not putting this in the Health/Fitness category because I think positive thinking can improve just about everything in life, not just health!
Normally I hate articles about looking good for summer (you should pay attention to your health all year long!), but 8 Tips to Rock That Swimsuit This Summer is all about being confident, and I love it.
My mom sent me this one – and we all know you should listen to your mother! 7 Reasons You’re Probably Not Drinking Enough Water.
Hey Riders, Runners: Do You Wave? I always wave – half the fun of running is getting to meet new people and make new friends as you go!
The 30-Minute Bodyweight Workout: Playground Edition. Because workouts should be fun 🙂
5 Running Truths I Wish I Knew When I Started Running. Seriously took me a while to learn some of these.
I ditched my Nike Fuelband this week (fashion friends rejoice!), so on the heels of that, I found this analysis of How Accurate Are Fitness Trackers? to be quite interesting. (Spoiler: they’re not that accurate.)
“Obesity Is a Disease,” Says the American Medical Association. On the one hand, I think it’s great that the designation will help to advance treatment and prevention; on the other hand, I think terming it a “disease” may make people think that there’s nothing they can do about it rather than it being fully preventable.
How Often Should I Exercise? I personally go with the every single day approach – as I’ve said many times before, when I try to work out every other day, every day becomes the “other” day.
Delta CEO gives up seat for standby passenger, gets great PR. My favorite part of this one is the little United dig at the end 🙂
United Joins Delta With Dollars Required for Elite Levels. Since Southwest and JetBlue already were using dollar spend for points, this leaves American as the only major domestic carrier where “mileage runs” are still possible to get elite status. Bummer!
Allowing bikes on Amtrak would boost New York tourism, say senators. Given my recent discovery of how much I love outdoor biking, I’m all in favor!
I really enjoyed 25 Rules For Living From A (Semi-)Successful 26-Year-Old, but apparently many people thought that was too high-falutin’ – so 25 (Way Better) Rules For Living By A Scrappy Unprofessional 26-Year-Old was born. Pick your poison.
19 Ways To Make Mornings Less Terrible. And, a revolutionary new alarm clock that shreds a dollar bill if you let it buzz too long!
Finally, remember my fashion challenge?? I think I have a new style icon: meet Quinoa of My Imaginary Well Dressed Toddler. HILARIOUS!
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The 25 rules were interesting and I agreed with some of them, but traveling just to travel is silly? What???
I think it depends on “traveling just to travel.” You usually get something out of it if you take some time to see the place, but something like going on a cruise or to a touristy resort in a foreign country isn’t going to teach you anything (relaxing though it may be).
Agree on that, actually. The one beach vacation I’ve taken was honestly kind of boring and didn’t feel “worth” it.
Two things: (1) glad to hear about ditching the fuel band and (2) LOVE QUINOA -the food and the hypothetical child!
So I CAN wear the picnic basket hat? 😉