Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/iPad and enjoy 🙂
Feeling lazy and like you’ve missed out on getting into tip top shape for the belly-baring trends of summer? Remember that it’s never too late in life to get in shape!
I generally advocate running only a few days per week (and crosstraining the rest) but making the long runs really long. However, the Hanson brothers have put together an approach to marathon training that’s exactly the opposite… and is rather intriguing. Basically, you run shorter runs but on very tired legs, so you get the same effect. Anyone tried this?
Your perfect diet/workout plan, though, is “the plan that you actually follow through with.” Great advice from Steve over at Nerd Fitness.
Still going the traditional route for marathon training and long runs getting you down? 5 Ways to Make Running Feel Easier.
While you’re figuring out how to fit your workouts/training into your life, I liked this one by LevoLeague on Why Morning Workouts Work for Career Women. Don’t know if you even want to be a “career woman”? Four Steps to Find Your Career Path.
Next month I think it’s time that I broke the grass ceiling – I’m headed to a women’s learn-to-golf event. Share your tips, please?
Charlotte wrote an amazing post this week about your “to-do list” vs your “to-be list” that really got me thinking. I definitely struggle when trying to think short-term and long-term at the same time, and usually focus on one or the other! Not good.
Along the same lines, The Blogsmaid wrote about focusing your to-do list to achieve your long-term goals. Really great advice, and I’m big on this when I write my own daily to-do lists.
I loved this post from Sarah Kay Hoffman: How to Accomplish Anything & Everything While Staying Sane.
Similarly, there are some good tips in the Daily Muse’s The Secret to Getting More Done in Less Time.
My friend Blake sent me this amazing video, excerpted from a college graduation speech by David Foster Wallace. Choose to see the world differently – “This is Water.”
Here’s another bit of graduation advice, Class of 2013: The Top 10 Lessons You’ll Need – this one courtesy of Linked In.
For those just a tad bit older (though really all of this is applicable to all ages): The 25 Things I’ve Learned Before My 25th Birthday.
Yes, people, what you say on social media IS public! – Woman Brags About Hit-and-Run on Twitter and Gets Caught. Serves her right.
With Memorial Day this weekend kicking off what many think of as the start of summer, that means many people are planning their big annual vacation. Are you headed to Everest with everyone else (yeah, who knew that was a thing)?
Or perhaps you’d enjoy some of these top five off-peak destinations for summer 2013.
Either way, don’t stay home – take a look at this list of 8 Unexpected Things I Learned During A Year Of Travel.
On the travel business front, here’s the quote of the week: “Airlines shouldn’t compete over ‘nicest prison cell’“. Marty St. George from JetBlue really nailed it here!
Finally, to end with something fun for the rest of your holiday weekend, check out 25 Free INSTANT Mood Boosters. Perhaps even a comforting snack like some Goldfish and a juice pouch like in the good old days of our youth? Or make it more adult by adding vodka – only you know what your Sunday requires 🙂
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Very positive and inspiring post:-). Thanks for sharing!
Glad you liked it! Look for another one every week 🙂
Love these links Laura! Especially all the ones about gettings things done and finding your career/life path. Can’t wait to check them out. Hope you are well and enjoying your long weekend!!
Thanks, Christine – glad you liked them and thanks for tweeting!