February 10, 2012

Managing myself: the weekend plan

It’s time for my favorite part of the work week… the flight home!

Okay, half-kidding about that. I’m actually really loving my job more and more now that I’m moving into a managerial role – I’m totally a people-person, and I love making task lists and organizing things, so it suits me really well. Of course, management has its challenges – it’s scary to be the one that’s blamed if anything goes wrong, and I have to quadruple-check everything – but overall, I’m liking it.

Still, nothing compares to my Thursday evening flight home – when I get to be undisturbed by phone calls and emails (or at least I don’t have to check email, since I’m keeping it on the DL that I signed up for in-flight wifi), and when I get to make my to-do list and plan for the weekend. Yippee! Planning! (See, I told you I was born to be a manager). And tonight, since I apparently have nothing better to talk about, you can see my plan (and perhaps, if you’re in the NYC area, come tag along):

7am – Wake up
7:30am – Kara Goucher weight lifting routine
8am – Breakfast with best friend
9am – 1.5 mile run to East Side
9:30am – Zumba
10:30am – 2 mile run home
10:50am – Work / Harass coworker for the 10am deadline that I know is going to be missed
11:30am – Doctor’s appointment
12:30pm – Work, work, work, work, laundry, work
6:30pm – Happy hour with former coworkers from boutique firm
7:15pm – Move to other happy hour with soon-to-be-former-coworker (it’s his last day)
8pm – Dinner date

8am – Wake up
8:30am – Run 3 miles to East Side
9am – Zumba at Athleta Upper East Side (free! Come with!)
10am – Sprint 1.7 miles back to West Side
10:15am – Yoga at Jackrabbit Upper West Side (free! Come with!)
11:15am – Coffee with a friend
12pm – Hot Dog Run starting in Central Park (free! Come with!)
3pm – Bar to celebrate with hot dog runners
5pm – Nap? Probably necessary…
8pm – Dinner date
10pm – Karaoke birthday party

7:30am – Wake up
8am – Lululemon long run (8 miles?) in Central Park (free! Come with!)
9:30am – 4 mile Athleta Upper West Side run and race entry giveaway (free! Come with!)
10:30am – Home/shower/cook brunch food
11am – Beer brunch with friends
1pm – Sober up, run errands, pack
5pm – Head to Belorussian dinner in Brooklyn with friends (because we are oh-so-cultural like that)
8pm – Head home. SLEEP. Possibly for the first time all weekend.

And after all of that, I realized that I neglected to fit in something I’ve been putting off for a few weeks: buying paint and repainting the living room in a pretty spring green color. (It’s not spring? The thermometer fooled me). So I’ll just fit that in between… okay, next week it is.

Some might get exhausted by that schedule, but I get EXCITED. And weirdly jazzed about having a plan/schedule to follow. #HelloMyNameIsLauraAndIAmTypeA

Am I not supposed to put hashtags on blog posts? Only Twitter? Too bad. My blog, my rules.

TGIT, everyone!


8 thoughts on “Managing myself: the weekend plan”

  1. Depending on what my run schedule looks like for Sunday, I may join for the Athleta run…it sounds great! What kind of pace does the group usually keep for those runs?

  2. Usually 9:30-10 minutes, depending on the group and how we’re all feeling. As the group gets larger (which will prob happen this week and also once our runs get longer), we can split up into smaller groups – right now we’ve done that a bit, but not gone totally separate.

  3. Your weekend sounds awesome! I think that having a really full weekend actually makes it go by slower than when I do nothing, backwards as that may sound.

  4. Sounds great! And works perfectly with my schedule/pace, as I have 4-5 recovery miles on the schedule for Sunday anyway. I tweaked my ankle earlier this week, but I’m hoping it will be ready to go for this weekend, so pending that, I will hopefully see you Sunday!

  5. Found your blog through another runner. I am running my 3rd half marathon in 13 days. I have a time goal this time, but am super nervous. I want to do the 13.1 in 2 hours. My last Princess Half was 2:26, did a practice Tybee Half last week in 2:11. So, to shed 11 more minutes off…a little nervous. Anyway I love your blog and will be reading more. (going to run my 2nd Marathon in November. finished my first in 4:50 but would like to do the 2nd in under 4:30)

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