April 14, 2011

Productive Day in St. Maarten

I woke up at 5:50am today, when my alarm went off for my morning run… and decided that I was on vacation and didn’t need my sleep schedule dictated by some arbitrary “running concierge.” Seriously, 6am? In a vacation spot like St. Maarten? I mean, that time makes sense if you’re at a hotel in New York, or something, where people have to get to work, but I highly doubt that most visitors to a resort property in St. Maarten have a set schedule for the day that necessitates an early run.

When I woke up 90 minutes later, it was because my work email had beeped at me – I had forgotten to mute that. Oops! But 10 hours of sleep was plenty, and when I saw the sun streaming through my window, I knew I could nap on the beach. Hooray! The rainstorm had gone.

The rest of the day was spent lying by the infinity pool, basking in the sun… and getting a lot of reading done. I knocked out Jodi Picoult’s new novel, Sing You Home, as well as Ali Vincent (from The Biggest Loser)’s biography, Believe It, Be It. On the magazine front, I got through the April issues of Fitness, Shape, and Self, and tweeted my way through the interesting bits. In case you missed it:
Tried to organize a Soul Surfer meetup in NYC
Let Emily know that she wins the undie debate
Learned about cool pants that capture your energy
Discovered a new use for foam rollers
Got introduced to pea flour (anyone here tried it?)

Overall, it was a very typical vacation for me – productive in its laziness! That’s me – Type A to the max. (And I did get in an hour at the gym later in the evening). Getting to do all the things I love, while not having to work, is a perfect vacation for me 🙂

Do you tend to be lazy or productive on your vacations? Are vacations about indulging, or about getting back on track?


1 thought on “Productive Day in St. Maarten”

  1. For me, vacations are 100% unplugged. They are for falling OFF track not getting back on. But, kuddos for you for knocking so much stuff out!

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