I just got an email from a fellow member of the 50 states club that read, “Well if it were not hard enough to get 50 states – there is a chance we would need one more. I guess we would have to rename the club?”
The email went on to include the text of a recent news article indicating that there is a secessionist group in southern Arizona who wants to form a 51st state, to be called either “Baja Arizona,” “South Arizona,” or “Gadsden.” My favorite part of the article is this:
Eckerstrom said Start Our State, which had more than 2,350 “likes” on its Facebook page as of Tuesday night, wants to put a non-binding resolution for secession before Pima County voters next year.
So… if I want to form my own state, can I just get a few thousand Facebook “likes” to make it legitimate? Count me in! Apparently not, though. A Google search to find the full text of the original article pulled up the following fabulous comic that indicates the additional work that needs to go into it.

Do you think a blog following can supplement for Twitter? Now I just need a million of you guys…
Hahaha – I’d join your state!
Would your state be the Inebriated State? Cheers!
I have a question about your site. Would you mind emailing me back @ jessicac@gymsource.net?
Jessica Costello
Ha. I think it takes a wee bit more than a FB following, but I’d certainly join.
FWIW, my parents told me that there are a group of people in southern IL who want to do the same thing.