September 23, 2010

I Will Influence You

Last night I had the opportunity to attend a really cool event. No, I didn’t go to the Obama dinner in town. I was invited to be an esteemed guest at the monthly TLB Adventures Influencers Table.

My friend Jon founded TLB Adventures (TLB stands for “The Lost Boys”) back in 1998, with the tagline of “Welcome to a life of adventure and wonder.” Though I’ve known Jon for several years, it’s only been in the last year that I became really aware of his mission and learned about TLB. In August, Jon featured me as that day’s post for something cool to do (Set a World Record), which was pretty awesome.

However, it was only recently that I heard about the super special Influencers Tables. Basically, Jon coordinates a dinner party with luminaries from all different fields who are making their mark. I was honored to be asked to attend, and while it was at first touch-and-go whether I could make it due to my work commitments, I managed to finish everything up in order to attend.

I really wasn’t sure what to expect, but when I arrived, I found a bunch of interesting people around my age, who didn’t seem any different than the friends I normally hang out with. Eventually, though, we all got brave enough to start asking the obvious question: “so, what’s your claim to fame that brings you hear?” And… wow. I was dining with the director of communications for a major online news/trends community, the creative director of an ad agency (whose own apartment was featured in the New York Magazine style section), a chef at Jean Georges, a celebrity personal trainer, an up and coming singer-songwriter, a DJ at one of New York City’s top radio stations, to name just a few of the people I met. What an incredible group of people to have all in one room!

We worked together to cook the dinner, chatting as we went (I made the falafel – my first time making that particular dish!), and then settled in for a delicious feast of Israeli food and wine. Over dinner, the discussion turned to our accomplishments again, and after telling my whole story about how I got into running and eventually ended up breaking the world record, I was surprised to find that I actually impressed all of those very impressive people. One of them was very well-connected in the film industry (her father is a bigwig at one of the major movie studios), and she enthusiastically told me how my story would make a great movie. We talked about blogging for a bit, and she urged me to turn my story into a book. It was definitely an inspiring conversation, and made me consider some new possibilities for what’s next.

So… what do you guys think? Should that be my new sphere of influence, and would you want to read a book about my adventures?

P.S. The Ex and I are starting to talk again, and I told him about this idea and how neat it would be if my story became a movie. His response: “Oh, God. That would be DISASTROUS for me.” Ha! Yeah, he probably would not come off too well in the story of my marathon adventuring and the hell he put me through while I was doing it… 🙂


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