March 6, 2010

Quiet Friday Night

Some nights, you’re in the mood to be antisocial. Last night all I wanted to do was go home, maybe clean up around the apartment, and then curl up in bed and watch TV. Unfortunately, I had dinner plans that I couldn’t bail on, so I threw on a cute outfit and headed out. I had a decent time, and was fortunately home pretty early.

I say fortunately because last night, my new roommate was moving in. There was a mixup with the keys at the front desk… so she couldn’t get into the apartment to move her stuff in! She was supposed to be here at 7, but luckily she didn’t get here till 8:30… at which time I was JUST getting off the subway and heading home, so she only had to wait about 10 minutes. Phew! She spent most of the night unpacking, so I got inspired enough by that to do some more spring cleaning in my own room. Slowly but surely I am simplifying my life!

But to get back to my original point: there are other nights that you plan to be antisocial and take care of stuff… but then all you want to do is be out and about. Tonight is one of those nights. I am dying to be out drinking with friends, but because I have an early morning flight to Little Rock tomorrow for Sunday’s marathon, I planned to pack, cook something carby, and spend a quiet night at home before getting to bed early.

It sounded so good in theory, but now that I’m actually home, I’m just bummed that my social life is constrained by this marathon. Since when have I done this before?! You all know me as the crazy marathon girl who does her best running after a late night of drinking her face off!

Well, I’m not making that mistake anymore. Next weekend I have a marathon in Colorado on Saturday, and I’m planning a ski trip for some friends around that. Friday night you won’t find me lonely and quiet and resting up… I’m going to be having a few drinks at the airport and having a great time! Our flight gets in super late and I’ll need to be on the road to the marathon at 6 AM, but maybe I’ll even find a way to sneak in a microbrew or two at the ski resort once we get settled 🙂

There. Just planning for no more of this quiet nonsense has cheered me up.


9 thoughts on “Quiet Friday Night”

  1. LOL!!! I love it 🙂 I think it’s a great idea to try to blend your interests like that! I think there’s no reason you can’t have fun when you’re running a marathon as well! 🙂

    Good luck with the marathon btw!

  2. I just checked out your Colorado race-what a great choice and not too far from my favoriteski town, Breckenridge. Good luck this weekend and next weekend!

  3. Two birds? One stone? Score. 🙂

    I totally hear you on just wanting to go home and hang though. Although, I do that more often than not here lately it seems…. lame

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