October 13, 2009

2.5 months till the end of 2009!

A women’s discussion group I’m in is currently addressing goals for 2009… can you believe there are only 2.5 months left in the year? Time sure flies! However, 2.5 months is still enough time to make some progress on goals I haven’t yet finished. Without further adieu, let’s dive into my 2009 New Year’s fitness resolutions.

Run faster, run farther, run better.
I will run 1,000 miles this year (I will also log all miles ran so I know if I’m on track for this).
I will complete 25 marathons this year.
I will finish a marathon in under 4 hours.
I will get some form of exercise at least 6 days a week. No excuses.

Hmm. I totally killed the sub-4 marathon goal, finishing TWO marathons under 4 hours (Humpy’s in 3:57, Steamtown in 3:52). I’m also on track to run 25 marathons this year – surprising, since it was an ambitious goal and I took two months off from marathons when I lost my job.

It seems that I did well on the one-time goals, but as for the two long-term-can’t-make-up-for-them-now ones, I’m kind of sunk. There were many weeks when I didn’t exercise at all, and I haven’t tracked my miles at all. But if I do 27 marathons, that’s 707.4 miles… maybe I should just see if I can run another 292 between now and the end of the year? Hmm.

As for the daily workout, I can at least start going for the 6 days a week thing now. This morning, I made it to the gym and did 45 minutes on the bike while reading my book for book club tonight. I really like doing that – it’s not too strenuous, but at least gets me breaking a sweat a little bit, and gets my day off to a great start. I want to try to incorporate that into my daily routine.

Also, I really could have sworn I had a weight goal in here, and I’ve been doing fairly well on that (down 10 pounds since this time last year!), so I’ll count myself as a success there.

Overall, I’m not doing too badly for my fitness goals. My personal goals and career goals are another story, but I’m going to blame my life-changing layoff and new job for those 🙂


4 thoughts on “2.5 months till the end of 2009!”

  1. Way to go Laura! It is hard for many of us to maintain our new year’s goals. Some of them I’ve done a good job at and others I’ve let fly right out the window. And 25 marathons in one year…daaaang girl. Good work

  2. Ugg, this is crazy. I don’t want to think that it is the end of the year yet! Can you believe that we are only 60 days away from 2010?!

    BTW, do you have any of the rock and roll marathons on your schedule next year?

  3. I just came across this post (thank god for google) and have decided you’re my hero. I ran my first marathon in october (marine corps) and i loved it so much i ran my second two weeks later (richmond). I decided that my new years resolution would be 5 marathons in 2010, but then promptly stopped running!

    so, i love seeing that 25 is possible in one year without being dean karnazes (though i seriously doubt you had weeks where you didn’t exercise at all!). anyway, wish me luck dragging myself back to marathon condition by march (national)!

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