February 24, 2009

First time’s a charm!

Last week I had my first set of interviews, for an airline. My cover letter was rough – I wrote it the same afternoon I got laid off, and submitted it before getting feedback, after which people told me it sucked. I applied for the job on the company website, not through a head hunter who would endorse me and help me prep for the interview. When I got the interview, Boyfriend told me it was a shame that I had my first interviews at a job I really wanted, because he said no matter how good I was at interviews, my first ones were bound to be rough. Sure enough, I got there (a few minutes late because I stupidly got lost on the subway) and had to take a written exam on airline management, which included questions like “if airline X is charging $60 and airline Y is charging $80, how much should we charge?” Gulp.


Apparently I completely rock at interviews… because I got the job offer!!! Eeeeeeee I am so excited. I have been dancing around my apartment, calling everyone I know, and spinning until I made myself dizzy and fell against the counter 🙂 Now the question is whether to accept what’s a pretty great position, or see if I can finish interviewing at some other awesome (but very different companies) to see what my options are.

Either way, I think it’s safe to say that the time I spent today calculating how many dogs I would need to walk to pay for the rest of my 50 state marathon journey was wasted 🙂

P.S. Tomorrow morning I’m having a performance review from my old job (we didn’t get to do it before I got laid off, and I genuinely want my feedback so I can apply it to wherever I end up next). The person giving me the performance review is the same one who brought me into her office to meet with the HR person and announce that I was laid off. How totally freaking AWESOME is it that I can go in and be like, “yeah, I’m disappointed that I got laid off, but I already have another offer for a better job, so you know, it’s really fine.” Career limiting move? Not anymore!


65 thoughts on “First time’s a charm!”

  1. Congrats. Sounds like you will be happy at this job. I hope it comes with free travel perks to help you get the 50 state marathon thing going. Congrats again. Definitely good news.

  2. Wahoo! Congrats, Laura. That’s really awesome news. Now you probably can get free airline tix to all the marathon destinations so you can finish your 50 state journey! So exciting. Awesome!

  3. Awesome!! I suppose it couldn’t hurt to do a couple more interviews, but it sounds like a great opportunity for you (the travel perks definitely sound nice!) Congrats~

  4. Congrats on the offer!! Hopefully you can hop right back on the 50 state goal! Best of luck with your performance review and any future interviews…you know, just in case!

  5. Awesome, awesome, AWESOME! So happy for you! This is great news and it makes me feel better about things that good people can still get jobs out there.

    Maybe we can celebrate by meeting up for a celebratory run?

  6. Congrats!

    I’m not good at playing the take this/ wait for another offer game, so I’d say take this gig.

    I’m sure this job pays better, but no one is going to appreciate the wortk you do more than the puppies you walked. 🙂

  7. Congratulations, that is wonderful news!! That’s got to feel great..it’s like running into your ex when you’re with your hotter, cooler new boyfriend;)

  8. CONGRATS!!! That’s so exciting. I’d tell the airline that you need some time to think about it. If you have other interviews lined up go on them and then make your decision. But if the airline job is something you want than ignore that and just take it!!! YAY girl!

  9. Laura, I haven’t been able to see other blogs for awhile with everything that’s been going on in my life, but I noticed that you had lost your job and now I see that you rebounded nicely.

    It couldn’t happen to a nicer person. Congratulations. Now tear it up on the road, girl!

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