December 1, 2008

A time to be thankful for the little things

Shoutout to my amazing friend Becca, who just sent me the following adorable e-card from

Hurray for no heart attacks! With my luck with my health lately, that’s definitely an accomplishment – today’s malady is a sore throat that makes it really hard to swallow. But I get to go to the doctor in less than 48 hours!!!! Can’t wait.


15 thoughts on “A time to be thankful for the little things”

  1. Yay, first! Nothing like long stretches of time not feeling great, huh? Glad your Thanksgiving went well, and great job in Atlanta! Meant to comment to you last week- how great was it that Amy got voted off Biggest Loser? Haha…I really liked her but was cursing her the week before for not getting rid of Vicky when she had the chance…stupid, stupid, stupid. Serves her right…though maybe she can do it at home? Who knows…

  2. and what’s more??? You can get a lollipop from your doctor. Something to look forward to. I do hope you come out of the dr. with flying colors. It has been going around. Maybe he will give you a pink medication: amoxicillin.

  3. Good luck with everything. I hope you feel better soon. Also belated congrats on the Atlanta marathon. Glad your cousin was there for you at the finish.

    P.S.–When I crossed the finish line on Sunday, I made sure to strike a happy, very Laura like pose. I’m sure it would’ve made you proud. 😉

  4. I just read the list of things you cooked for Thanksgiving. And I suddenly feel super-lazy.

    Good luck at the doctor’s office! They gave me antibiotics last week and I am feeling so much better.

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