May 7, 2008

Busy like a bee (except it would be nice to be like a bee and not have to be on my legs)

No, I didn’t die after the second half-marathon 🙂 My legs have been sore (especially on Monday where I had the brilliant idea to wear 2 inch heels to work), but I’ve still been working out a good amount, and they’re not nearly as sore as I thought they’d be. The only bad thing was the Bikini Bootcamp class I went to at the gym last night (I got out of work at 7, and the class was at 7:30, so I had just enough time to get there). There was a lot of leg work, so I kept having to do the easy modified versions of stuff or take rest breaks. I felt like a big wimp, and wished I could just announce to everyone, “I ran 26.2 miles this weekend! My legs are sore!” Would it be too much if next time I went to the gym I wore two medals around my neck?

Work (my job, not my exercise routine) has been super busy lately, but I’m loving it. Yesterday I got performance reviews for my last two projects, which I was kind of worried about. Not that I think I’m doing a bad job; it’s just that everyone at my firm is used to being the best, so when you put them all together, someone has to be at the bottom of the heap, and I had no idea whether that would be me. My year-end performance review is coming up in two weeks, and if I want to be able to go to grad school (not now, but in two years), I need to rank in the top 20% of my peers. I really had no idea if I could do that, and I was waiting on these two project reviews to give me some sense.

Well, both of the projects gave me the highest rating possible, with a lot of positive comments, and the director of one included in her comments, “if we could give Laura a higher rating than the highest one, we would.” Hopefully that means I’m on track to do well at my year-end, but you never really know…

(I know this probably sounds like bragging, which is not my intent. I just want to tell someone because I’m so excited! And I obviously am not going to chat with coworkers about it.)


7 thoughts on “Busy like a bee (except it would be nice to be like a bee and not have to be on my legs)”

  1. Congratulations, Laura!!!! That’s excellent and I know it means a lot to you. Sounds like you deserve those good performance reviews too. You’ve worked HARD!

  2. Congrats on the good reviews. It’s always nice to hear you are doing a good job and have others validate your thoughts. Take it easy on those legs for a couple days!

  3. Yes, girl. Nice job. And it’s okay to gloat a little after running 2 half-marathons in 2 days and getting a perfect score on your performance review. No wonder your feet are hurting! (and I’m sure you know what I’m referring to here…haha) Rest well!

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