December 16, 2007

Healthy Meal: Grilled Mahi Mahi Fillet and Asparagus with Orange and Sesame

My apartment-guest for the weekend met up with another friend for dinner, which gave me the chance to cook something healthy instead of going out to eat! Hurray. I wanted something as low-cal and healthy as possible after my pizza binge last night (and with another night of drinking planned for tonight). I was thinking of just grilling some fish and pairing it with some broccoli, but instead found this great recipe that’s very similar to that and very simple. Here is my attempt at an elegant presentation, though it’s nowhere near as cool as the official picture on the recipe. In case you were wondering, I tried to layer the asparagus and weave it to make a sort of tic-tac-toe grid. Unfortunately, it just looks like a big pile of asparagus, and the food got a bit cold in the time it took me to be “artistic.”

The recipe is SO easy, especially because I didn’t chop the ginger and just opted for ground ginger instead. As for active prep time: it took me about 30 seconds to make the marinade and put the fish in, 5 minutes to zest the orange, take the pith off and slice it, and 1 minute to trim the asparagus. Add 10 minutes to let the fish sit, and 8 minutes to cook the fish and the asparagus, and you’ve got dinner in less than 20 minutes (and you even have time to do other stuff while you’re making it). Awesome!

Nutritional results:
283 calories for the fish, asparagus, and orange (recipe here)
1 calorie for the ice water with a splash of lime juice that I had with it 🙂

Review: 4.5/5
Really really delicious, but fish and asparagus gets cold quickly. Make sure you are ready to eat the SECOND it is done – it definitely doesn’t keep warm like a one-dish meal does. Great when you want something lean and fresh tasting.


2 thoughts on “Healthy Meal: Grilled Mahi Mahi Fillet and Asparagus with Orange and Sesame”

  1. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

    That fish sounds great! Unfortunately the only reliable fish in Kansas is of the frozen variety, but I may have to give the recipe a try. Nice job on the tic-tac-toe board. All you needed were some donut holes of varied flavors to use as game pieces, and dessert.

  2. Don’t worry – I totally used Trader Joe’s frozen mahi mahi fillets and it was still delicious. I know fresh is better, but I find it a lot easier to buy a ton of frozen ones (especially at places like TJs where they’re fairly inexpensive) and pull them out of my freezer on an as-needed basis.

    I know in Kansas City you’ve got plenty of frozen things lately! Hope you and your family are doing well and not too cold.

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