health and fitness

May 16, 2022

Stuck in a Liminal Space


I’m now more than a month post-egg retrieval, but the truth is that I’ve spent several months feeling like I’m in a “liminal space”, just sitting and waiting for things to happen. It’s not my usual MO – I’m someone who likes to be busy, busy, busy, and it’s taken a lot of urging from my therapist to remind me that refusing to slow down is what burned me out in the first place. But while my new “get comfortable with not achieving things” philosophy worked well for me in January (and maybe even part of February), by March, I …

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March 23, 2022

Final Hurrah of the Skison: Steamboat, Bluebird Backcountry, and Avalanche Preparedness


This weekend, I headed out to the mountains – but not to the Vail Valley. Instead, my boyfriend and I headed out to the Steamboat Springs area, where we spent Friday skiing Steamboat resort, and Saturday and Sunday trying out backcountry skinning / skiing… and taking an avalanche preparedness course (AIARE1). Friday at Steamboat was awesome. By the time we dropped Sadie off at “doggie camp” (her amazing boarding facility) and made the beautiful drive out to Steamboat, we didn’t get on the mountain until about 10:30am. I was a little bummed we were so late, since we were having to …

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March 7, 2022

Hello Again – After the Fire


Well, hello everyone. It’s been a while. Let’s catch up? (Warning: long post ahead. Consider it a makeup for the last eight months of silence.) Last summer, like many people staying in the same job through “The Great Resignation”, I started getting more and more burned out at work. Where in June I had a team of seven people, staff kept leaving and leaving, and by November, I was down to one manager (who was going on maternity leave in December) and me. Yikes. I was working 12-18 hours a day, in a slew of never ending back-to-back-to-back meetings. It …

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May 5, 2020

Quarantine Goals, Take 2


Next week will mark two full months alone in quarantine for me… something I never imagined when this all began. And yet, I’m finding that I’m reasonably content. I miss my friends, and there are definitely bouts of loneliness. (As someone whose love language is touch, and who is always hugging friends, it’s nuts to me that I haven’t touched a single human in two months!) But I track my mood each day in the Daylio app on my phone, and I’m still rating most days as “pretty good” or “great” – which I guess proves the hedonic treadmill right. …

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May 2, 2020

Weekend Recap: Hello Sugar!


This weekend was pretty quite, but it came with some big news… I brought home a new dog to foster! Friday night, I tried a recipe from a new-to-me cooking blog, Whole and Heavenly Oven. I was reviving my cookblog club in virtual form on Sunday, and my friend Cathryn suggested this blog as our pick. While browsing for recipes to make Sunday, I found a few others I thought I’d try to make as well, and this turkey taco chili twice-baked sweet potato recipe was one of them, particularly as I had some sweet potatoes to use up. I …

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